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Konce sveta v dejinách kresťanstva

tému vytvoril(a) 21.6.2015 23:56 Shagara
posledná zmena 27.3.2017 22:09
21.06.2015, 23:56
Po krátkej námahe som našiel zopár týchto údajov na internete. Samozrejme,tých koncov bolo omnoho viac,.....mnohé sú len spomínané v "útržkoch" a predpokladá sa,že ich bolo na stovky! Pohladám aj dalšie/zaujímavé/ a doplním ich. To len preto,aby bolo jasné,že nielen JS mali nesprávne očakávania. Aj ked ich dátumy sú platné,len sa nestalo to,ako očakávali.

1,...Už prví kresťania očakávali skorý návrat Pána. Ničivé udalosti ako Nerovo podpálenie Ríma alebo zničenie Jeruzalema Rimanmi sa súčasníkmi interpretovali ako znamenia nadchádzajúceho konca sveta. Aj keď sa neskôr vo vnímaní kresťanov posunula apokalypsa do vzdialenej budúcnosti, pri numericky zaujímavých dátumoch sa otázka skorého konca sveta vždy znova otvárala.
Hipolitus a Julius Sextus Africanus na rok 500 n.l. předpověděli konec světa.

2,....[b]1. 1. 1000 n. l. obavy z milénia a „Hnutí Božího míru“
Mnoho evropských národů věřilo, že s příchodem nového milénia přijde konec světa, a houfně tak odevzdávaly svůj majetek církvi. Vůdčí ideu přitom nehrála ani tak společenská nejistota, jako nejistota a strach z konce světa. Bylo ustaveno hnutí Božího míru, které fungovalo a víceméně udržovalo lidi v pokoře a bázni mezi lety 980 – 1040. Když k žádnému konci světa nedošlo, požadovali někteří svůj majetek zpět. Církev však jakékoli navrácení odmítla, což vedlo k její rozsáhlé kritice. V reakci na týto události bylo k smrti odsouzeno několik kacířů.
K výročí tisíce let od mučednické smrti Ježíše Krista se houfně očekával jeho návrat. Někteří v tom přirozeně očekávali i konec stávajícího světa či příchod něčeho zcela nového.
Křesťanský svět se strachoval také příchodu Nového roku v roce 1000. Magické datum vydráždilo fantazii mnohých lidí – laiků i učenců. K těm, kteří předvídali konec světa s příchodem nového milénia, se zařadila i hlava katolické církve papež Silvestr II. (950 – 1003). Když konec světa v roce 1000 nepřišel, korigovali mnozí křesťané své předpovědi zániku světa na tisící výročí ukřižování Krista a očekávali apokalypsu v roce 1033.
4,....Rok 1284, papež Inocenc III.
Papež vypočítal datum konce světa tak, že k datu založení Islámu (618) přičetl 666. Jde o nechvalně proslulé období křížových výprav…

5,....Rok 1696
Ruští věřící opět očekávali příchod Ježíše na Zemi. Vítali ho houfnými sebevraždami upálením.
6,....Rok 1831 – 1844, Wiliam Miller – USA
Miller určil datum 22. října 1844 jako den druhého Kristova příchodu. Zmanipuloval tak téměř 100 000 lidí, kteří rozdávali svůj majetek a oděni v bílá roucha vystupovali na kopce a hory. 23. října 1844 nastalo obrovské zklamání a z jeho příznivců zbylo sotva padesát, kteří Millerovi uvěřili, že nepřišel na Zem, ale přešel v nebi do Svatyně svatých a zahájil vyšetřující soud nad zemřelými. Dnes tuto sektu najdeme pod názvem Adventisté sedmého nebe, kteří v poněkud pozměněné podobě hlásají jeho odkaz.
7,....Francouzský teolog Hilarius z Poitiers (315-367 n. l.) předpověděl konec světa na rok 365.
8,....Jednu z prvních „astronomicky podložených“ předpovědí konce světa zformuloval anglický cisterciácký opat John z Toleda (? až 1275). Z postavení planet ho stanovil na rok 1286.

9,....Anglický teolog, historik a matematik William Whiston (1667-1752) vypočítal zánik Země po kolizi s kometou na 16. říjen roku 1736.
10,.... V roku 1348 zachvátila celú Európu morová epidémia, ktorá zabila tretinu obyvateľstva (asi 50 miliónov ľudí). O čo strašnejšie sa vtedy ľudia museli cítiť, zvlášť keď nepoznali pôvodcu choroby a nechápali, čo sa im to vlastne prihodilo? A práve v takýchto obdobiach mnohí vnímali tieto rany "osudu" ako predzvesť konca sveta,Boží trest,čo mnohí kazatelia stupňovali svojími plamennými preslovmi.
11,....Pocity konca sveta mohli mať aj obyvatelia vyplieneného Konštantínopolu v roku 1453, keď pod kindžalmi Turkov zanikla tisícročná Byzantská ríša alebo celkovo Európania v časoch 30-ročnej vojny, napoleonských a oboch svetových vojen,pretože tieto tendencie,náhľady tam boli,a značná časť sa s nimi stotožňovala.
12,....Komentár z Katolíckych novín,citujem:" V dejinách poznáme mnohé „apokalyptické“ roky, napríklad: 33, 666, 900, 999, 1000, 1013, 1033, 1070, 1492, 1584, 1600, 1648, 1666, 1844, 1899, 1900.
13,....Pred koncom druhého storočia, za služby biskupa Viktora /190-202/ prichádza na scénu učenie založené Montanom, ktorý sa vyhlasoval za proroka a jasnovidca, oznamoval skorý koniec sveta.
14,....Za apokalyptickou událost prvořadé důležitosti předpovězenou v Bibli bylo v novověku dlouho považováno uvěznění papeže Pia VI. Napoleonem v roce 1798. Papežovo zatčení mělo být předpovězeno v knize proroka Daniela 7,25-26, kde se hovoří o bezbožném vladaři, jemuž bude odejmuta královská moc. Výchozím bodem výpočtu byl rok 538 n.l., rok dobytí Říma byzantským vojevůdcem Belisarem a nastolení politické moci papežství. Po dobu 1260 let (tři a půl „času“ po 360 dnech) měl pak panovat „zvířecí pořádek Říma“. Ten měl být vystřídán v roce 1798 tisíciletou říší Kristovou a následující rok 1799 se očekával začátek „konce světa“.
15,.... V dvoutisíciletých dějinách křesťanství se opakovaně setkáváme s vlnami masového poblouznění spojenými s očekáváním blízkého Ježíšova příchodu na Zem.
16,....Šlo především o následovníky opata Joachyma de Fiore, který na podkladě obrazů knihy Zjevení rozvinul učení o nadcházejícím věku Ducha svatého. Postupem času dospěli vykladači k různým a zajímavým posloupnostem dat. Hovořilo se o roku 1260, pak o roku 1360 a později o různých datech 15. a 16. století. Byla to především kniha Zjevení a kniha proroka Daniela, které poutaly pozornost vykladačů. Na základě jimi uváděných čísel byla za mimořádně významná označována různě dlouhá časová období – 1260, 1290, 1335, 2260, 2300 a 2520 let.
17,....Sväty Ján Kronštadtský v svojej kázni, ktorú predniesol v roku 1905, povedal: „Rusko, ak odpadneš od viery, ako od nej už odpadli mnohí inteligenti, tak už nebudeš Ruskom alebo Svätou Rusou. A ak v ruskom národe nebude pokánia, koniec sveta je blízko. Boh odníme blahočestného cára a pošle bič v podobe nečestných, krutých, samozvaných vládcov, ktorí zalejú celú krajinu krvou a slzami." (Jubilejnyj sbornik, Jutika, rok 1998)
18,....Dalej je spústa Marianských apokalyptických vízií,varovaní,koncov /niektore sú už po záručnej dobe,s prešlou lehotou/,vid na Marianských stránkach na internete. Samozrejme,tých koncov je daleko viac,len to chce čas a doplním zoznam. Nebolo tisícročie ,aby niekto neavizoval koniec,trest Boží ...atd. O niektorých sú podrobnejšie správy,a niektoré sú len krátkymi správami,útržkami svetských a cirkevných kronikárov, v tom ktorom čase. A to ako v podaní pravoslavia,protestantských a katolíckych cirkví. A radia sa sem i iné konce ,v podaní iných náboženstiev,siekt,"vedeckých koncov" ,katastrof z vesmíru a pod.
19,....Římský biskup Řehoř I. (590–604) po katastrofických záplavách v Galii a Itálii a po zemětřesení, které zdevastovalo celou Antiochii, údajně očekával blízký konec, což mělo pravděpodobně vliv na urychlené vyslání misie do Anglie.
20,....Spekulacemi na téma 6000 let od stvoření se zabýval například Isidor Sevilský (+636) či Beda Ctihodný (+ pol. 8. stol.), jenž je podobně jako Beatus z Liebany, očekávající konec kolem roku 800, autorem velkého komentáře k Apokalypse.
21,....Poněkud jinak smýšleli takoví flagelanti, spojení s myšlenkami Ubertina z Casale, když v šedesátých letech třináctého století vycházeli z Peruggie, procházeli jižní Evropou a hlásali blízký konec světa. Sebetrýzněním, které trvalo vždy třiatřicet a půl dne, usilovali o pokání i o zpřítomnění utrpení Ježiše Krista. Mezi sektáři se udrželi do šestnáctého století, výjimečně až do století osmnáctého. Flagelantství oživil svými myšlenkami a předpověďmi na přelomu čtrnáctého a patnáctého století sv. Vincenc z Ferrery, zvaný Anděl Posledního soudu.
22,....Jan Milíč z Kroměříţe (+1347) měl za to, ţe Antikrist v jeho době již přišel a jeho budování Nového Jeruzaléma ukazuje na jasné eschatologické chápání nadcházejícího času.
23,....Ovšem i Jan Želivský (+1422) byl silně ovlivněn tímto pojetím eschatologie, když věřil, že Kristus přijde nejprve do Čech, kde nastolí své království.
24,....Sv. Janě z Arku na začátku 15. století radil archanděl Michael, bojovník proti ďáblu, a Johanka sama měla svého krále za „krále konce světa“, který porazí Turky, získá Jeruzalém a dovrší dávná proroctví.
25,....k vizím italské stigmatizované mystičce Marii Valtortě (1897–1961), známé skrze apokryfní životopisy Panny Marie a Ježiše Krista. Také jí se dostalo eschatologických vizí budoucnosti a ujištění, ţe světová válka je dobou předchůdců Antikrista, po nichž se objeví on sám v podobě světového politika. Celé dějiny v dualistickém pojetí Marie Valtorty končí velkou očistou lidstva, porážkou Satana a novým stvořením, prodchnutým vládou Ducha.
26,.....konkrétně v roce 1988, jak tomu bylo u již zmiňovaných poselství Panny Marie z Moravy či v případě Ježíšem povolané pravoslavné (a mezi katolíky uznávané) sjednotitelky církví Vassuly Ryden,71 to však jiţ lidstvo vstupovalo pomalu do závěrečné dekády druhého tisíciletí, která měla být dobou zjitřených chiliastických představ. Velké napětí mezi některými katolickými křesťany také vyvolávalo neustále očekávání konce zjevení v bosenském Medžugorje, neboť, jak se Maria údajně vyjádřila, tato zjevení jsou poslední a žádná jiná již lidstvu dána nebudou.
27,.....vedení hnutí se ujal suspendovaný katolický kněz D.Kataribabo, bývalý rektor semináře, privilegovanými členy tohoto kultu byli však i jiní kněží a řeholnice. Poté, co vyšly najevo machinace vůdců hnutí s odevzdaným majetkem věřících, a vzedmul se odpor u řadových členů, bylo stanoveno osudné datum 17. března 2000, kdy se zhruba 500 lidí shromáždilo v kapli, aby očekávali zjevení Panny Marie. Namísto zjevení však nastal výbuch a s ním smrt všech přítomných. Kromě těchto mrtvých bylo postupně objeveno v hromadných hrobech dalších několik set zavražděných a zatím poslední čísla hovoří o 1055 obětech.
Srov. LOJDA Miroslav: Tragické čaro apokalypsy, in: Rozmer. Časopis pre kresťanskú duchovnú orientáciu 2 (2000), 6–9.
28,....Panna Maria sdělila irské vizionářce Christině Galagher: „Budíček je už nařízen. Hodina je blízká. Modlete se, modlete se, modlete se!“ (20. 8. 1991). A v poselství z Moravy 8. září 1995: „Přečtěte si Janovo Zjevení - a porovnejte dobu!“. V průběhu století však krystalizovaly konkrétní představy, do popředí stále více pronikaly náznaky millenarismu a myšlenky na ustavení Božího království na Zemi.
29,....V Evropě zase zcela jasně vítězí mariánský prvek lidové eschatologie95. Konkrétně: ze zjevení americkému vizionáři Johnu Learymu ze 7. 2. 1997, které u nás v devadesátých letech kolovalo v podobě třicetistránkové tiskoviny, přeloţené z polštiny96, víme, jaké představy má americký věřící o blízké budoucnosti. Již od roku 1996 se lidstvo nacházelo údajně ve velkém soužení, které mělo trvat po dobu 3,5 roku, nastat mělo velké varování, objevit se antipapež a s ním i Antikrist, papeţ měl prchnout z Vatikánu (to je častý motiv), lidé budou označeni pomocí čipů (naráţka na charagma – číslo šelmy z Apokalypsy), nastanou tři dny temnoty, lidé prchnou do jeskyní, avšak v krizové době upadnou do velkého spánku. Nastane však éra pokoje, kdy se očekává omlazení lidí na 30 roků a prodloužení života až na 1000 let.
30,....Zde byla předpovězena na dobu do roku 2000 tzv. Velká očista, což je jen jiný výraz pro Trest.
114 „Velký trest, který jsem předpověděla, (...) je jiţ přede dveřmi. Z nebes sestoupí oheň a zničí velkou část lidstva. Ti, kteří přežijí, budou závidět mrtvým, protože všude bude zpustošení, smrt a zkáza.“ Panna Maria S. Gobbimu 15. 9. 1993. Panna Maria kněžím, 616.
31,....V roce 1988 přijal don Gobbi poselství, které uvádí dobu následujících deseti let, ve kterých se vše dovrší. Je to doba druhého adventu, ve které se uskuteční plnost času ohlašovaného Marií od La Salette po dnešní zjevení. Je to doba vrcholící očisty, kdy dojdou naplnění všechna tajemství a události Marií předpovězené.98 A zhruba od května 1989 Maria vykládá jednotlivé symboly Apokalypsy, se kterými se má lidstvo v tomto období setkat.
32,....Do každé doby, zejména druhé poloviny dvacátého století, zaznívalo Ježíšovo jasné: "Žijete poslední vteřiny před katastrofou. Pro mě jsou to pouhé vteřiny.(...) Trest zasáhne a zničí dvě třetiny lidstva."117 Podle samizdatu s názvem „Poselství Panny Marie z Košic“ mělo k Trestu dojít již roku 1956, avšak byl posunut na rok 1975. Nicméně, začátkem roku 1990 Božské srdce118 dalo dle stejného anonymního autora zveřejnit další termín očisty – měl jím být první pátek v květnu 1992.
33,....Jedním z nejzávažnějších proroctví však byla slova Panny Marie k donu Gobbimu z 5. 12. 1994: „K velkému jubileu roku 2000 přijde triumf mého Neposkvrněného Srdce, jak jsem předpověděla ve Fatimě, a to bude uskutečněno s Ježišovým příchodem ve slávě k nastolení jeho Království ve světě. Tak nakonec budete moci vidět na vlastní oči nová nebesa a novou zem.“. Z tohoto textu je zřejmé, že druhý příchod měl nastat v roce 2000, a je zarážející, že Mariánské knězské hnutí tato neúspěšná předpověď nijak neoslabila.
34,....Podobně sledovaným rokem byl již rok 1988, neboť don Bosco již před 200 lety údajně předpověděl zničení hříchu, až přijdou dva úplňky v měsíci květů - to se dle jedné interpretace stalo právě v roce 1988. Do deseti let do roku 1998 také Maria v Medžugorje vložila splnění všech tajemství, jeţ byla dána vizionářům.
35,....Kromě předchozích papežů, z nichž si nejčastěji je zmiňován Pius XII., je do eschatologických událostí silně zahrnut předposlední papež- Jan Pavel II. Jeho silná mariánská orientace vţdy přitahovala vizionáře i mariánské ctitele. Byl v této oblasti považován zřejmě za vrchol, který již nikdo nepřekoná. K tomu říká Panna Maria donu Gobbimu 13. 5. 1991: „Až tento papež splní úkol, který mu svěřil Ježíš, a já sestoupím z nebe, abych přijala jeho oběť, všichni budete zahaleni hustou temnotou odpadu...“
36,....Toto hnutí, zaloţené v roce 1983 v Mindelheimu z popudu později odsouzeného Josepha Zankera (+2001) a P. Joh. Maria Bauera (+1999), stojí na spiritualitě denní modlitby růžence a na svatém přijímání vkleče a do úst. Hlavním inspirátorem spirituality je barokní mariánský mystik Ludvík Maria Grignion. Marienkinder zavrhli II. Vatikánský koncil a demokracii označili za ďábelský princip. Na rok 1999 prorokovali vypuknutí 3. světové války, později však datum posunuli na rozmezí let 2000 – 2006. Oba zakladatelé byli exkomunikováni, P.Bauer se v roce 1994 do katolické církve navrátil. V roce 2008 hnutí částečně rehabilitoval augsburský biskup, hnutí však uznává pouze tridentskou liturgii.
Michael Servetus Vo svojej knihe Obnova kresťanstva, že Diablova vláda na tomto svete sa začala v roku 325 n.l. na koncile v Nice, a bude trvať po 1260 rokov, čím končí v roku 1585.
Zakladatelia Katolíckej apoštolskej cirkvi tvrdili, že Ježiš sa vráti v čase, keď zomrie posledný z ich 12 zakladajúcich členov. Posledný z nich zomrel v roku 1901.

1. Shagara 21.06.2015, 23:56

Po krátkej námahe som našiel zopár týchto údajov na internete. Samozrejme,tých koncov bolo omnoho viac,.....mnohé sú len spomínané v "útržkoch" a predpokladá sa,že ich bolo na stovky! Pohladám aj dalšie/zaujímavé/ a doplním ich. To len preto,aby bolo jasné,že nielen JS mali nesprávne očakávania. Aj ked ich dátumy sú platné,len sa nestalo to,ako očakávali.

1,...Už prví kresťania očakávali skorý návrat Pána. Ničivé ud...

22.06.2015, 00:44
Skutky apoštolov 1, 6-8: "A oni tam zídení spýtali sa Ho: Pane, či v tomto čase obnovíš kráľovstvo pre Izrael? Odpovedal im: Nie je vašou vecou poznať časy a príhodné chvíle, ktoré Otec určil svojou mocou, ale prijmite moc Ducha Svätého, ktorý zostúpi na vás, a budete mi svedkami aj v Jeruzaleme, aj po celom Judsku, aj v Samárii a až do posledných končín zeme."

1. Solúnčanom 5, 1: "O časoch a chvíľach vám netreba písať, bratia..."

1. Shagara 21.06.2015, 23:56

Po krátkej námahe som našiel zopár týchto údajov na internete. Samozrejme,tých koncov bolo omnoho viac,.....mnohé sú len spomínané v "útržkoch" a predpokladá sa,že ich bolo na stovky! Pohladám aj dalšie/zaujímavé/ a doplním ich. To len preto,aby bolo jasné,že nielen JS mali nesprávne očakávania. Aj ked ich dátumy sú platné,len sa nestalo to,ako očakávali.

1,...Už prví kresťania očakávali skorý návrat Pána. Ničivé ud...

22.06.2015, 06:11
to sa ale načakáte, možno že už prišiel, len sa za vás hanbí, tak sa radšej neukazuje....
👍: attis

5. 22.06.2015, 06:11

to sa ale načakáte, možno že už prišiel, len sa za vás hanbí, tak sa radšej neukazuje....

22.06.2015, 10:57
im placnu do biblie nepochopitelnu vec že pride ale nepovie kedy a poddani utekaju na pole robiť nech ich bere ježiš do sveteho mesta vyloženeho diamantami na diskoteku a prinesie aj bôčik a víno

15. 22.06.2015, 10:57

im placnu do biblie nepochopitelnu vec že pride ale nepovie kedy a poddani utekaju na pole robiť nech ich bere ježiš do sveteho mesta vyloženeho diamantami na diskoteku a prinesie aj bôčik a víno

24.06.2015, 06:37
A on kedy povedal, že príde ešte raz??? A teraz si počkám na odpoveď---od tých, ktorí tu perlia----

58. 24.06.2015, 06:37

A on kedy povedal, že príde ešte raz??? A teraz si počkám na odpoveď---od tých, ktorí tu perlia----

24.06.2015, 07:10
Tu mas odpoved na obe otazky, aj ked uprimne neviem si predstavit presne to podobenstvo od figovnika..

[Mk 13,26-32]

26 Vtedy uvidia Syna človeka prichádzať na oblakoch s veľkou mocou a slávou.
27 On pošle anjelov a zhromaždí svojich vyvolených zo štyroch strán sveta kraja zeme až po kraj neba.
28 Od figovníka sa naučte podobenstvo. Keď jeho ratolesť mladne a vyháňa lístie, viete, že je blízko leto.
29 Tak aj vy, až uvidíte, že sa toto deje, vedzte, že je blízko predo dvermi.
30 Veru, hovorím vám: Nepominie sa toto pokolenie, kým sa to všetko nestane.
31 Nebo a zem sa pominú, ale moje slová sa nepominú.
32 Ale o tom dni a o tej hodine nevie nik, ani anjeli v nebi, ani Syn, iba Otec.

61. 24.06.2015, 07:10

Tu mas odpoved na obe otazky, aj ked uprimne neviem si predstavit presne to podobenstvo od figovnika..

[Mk 13,26-32]

26 Vtedy uvidia Syna človeka prichádzať na oblakoch s veľkou mocou a slávou.
27 On pošle anjelov a zhromaždí svojich vyvolených zo štyroch strán sveta kraja zeme až po kraj neba.
28 Od figovníka sa naučte podobenstvo. Keď jeho ratolesť mladne a vyháňa lístie, viete, že je blízko leto.
29 Tak aj vy, až uvidíte, že sa toto deje, vedzte, že je blízk...

26.06.2015, 08:07
Wolfe,Pátrač.....a viete ako "Boh prostredníctvom anjelov zhromaždí svojích vyvolených zo štyroch strán kraja zeme"?
To "zhromaždovanie" dnes konajú JS. Zjavenie to bližšie definuje,a spomína,že ohlasujú "dobré posolstvo".
Je ale samozrejme,že to nerobia priamo oni,ale cez ctitelov Boha,ktorých má tu na zemi. Mat.24:14,. EF.1:9-10
Teda,toto znamenie a i ostatné nemáme ignorovať!

71. Shagara 26.06.2015, 08:07

Wolfe,Pátrač.....a viete ako "Boh prostredníctvom anjelov zhromaždí svojích vyvolených zo štyroch strán kraja zeme"?
To "zhromaždovanie" dnes konajú JS. Zjavenie to bližšie definuje,a spomína,že ohlasujú "dobré posolstvo".
Je ale samozrejme,že to nerobia priamo oni,ale cez ctitelov Boha,ktorých má tu na zemi. Mat.24:14,. EF.1:9-10
Teda,toto znamenie a i ostatné nemáme ignorovať!

26.06.2015, 10:05
Hej su to oni -JS..
Teda pokial nahodou nerobia nevedomky satanovu pracu..

75. 26.06.2015, 10:05

Hej su to oni -JS..
Teda pokial nahodou nerobia nevedomky satanovu pracu..

26.06.2015, 10:08
mám v susedstve Jehovistov aj Sudcu atd xD

5. 22.06.2015, 06:11

to sa ale načakáte, možno že už prišiel, len sa za vás hanbí, tak sa radšej neukazuje....

22.06.2015, 14:22
Fajer....čiastočne máš pravdu. Hanbí sa za tých,čo v jeho mene zabíjali a dopúšťali sa otrasných vecí. Ale ,aj tí to majú zrátané. Ani trojica im nepomôže!

24. Shagara 22.06.2015, 14:22

Fajer....čiastočne máš pravdu. Hanbí sa za tých,čo v jeho mene zabíjali a dopúšťali sa otrasných vecí. Ale ,aj tí to majú zrátané. Ani trojica im nepomôže!

09.02.2016, 22:39
24 Myslíš, že sa hanbí aj za tých, čo vraždili svoje deti neposkytnutím prvej pomoci a odmietnutím transfúzie? Hanbí sa aj za tých, ktorí sa aktívne nevzopreli ozbrojenému nepriateľovi, vrahovi a násilníkovi?

1. Shagara 21.06.2015, 23:56

Po krátkej námahe som našiel zopár týchto údajov na internete. Samozrejme,tých koncov bolo omnoho viac,.....mnohé sú len spomínané v "útržkoch" a predpokladá sa,že ich bolo na stovky! Pohladám aj dalšie/zaujímavé/ a doplním ich. To len preto,aby bolo jasné,že nielen JS mali nesprávne očakávania. Aj ked ich dátumy sú platné,len sa nestalo to,ako očakávali.

1,...Už prví kresťania očakávali skorý návrat Pána. Ničivé ud...

22.06.2015, 09:38
A čo Jehovovi svedkovia, koho oni očakávajú, kedy , a ako ho spoznajú???

8. 22.06.2015, 09:38

A čo Jehovovi svedkovia, koho oni očakávajú, kedy , a ako ho spoznajú???

22.06.2015, 09:47
oni neočakavajú nikoho, pretože každý dôležitý pre nich žije medzi nami

10. 22.06.2015, 09:47

oni neočakavajú nikoho, pretože každý dôležitý pre nich žije medzi nami

22.06.2015, 09:57
Ale radšej si počkám na to, nech sa vyjadrí Shagara, veď je ich členom----

13. 22.06.2015, 09:57

Ale radšej si počkám na to, nech sa vyjadrí Shagara, veď je ich členom----

22.06.2015, 09:58
No vies, pan Russel vymyslel nejaky datum z rozmeru pyramid, potom ked zistil, ze sa sekol, tak z toho spravili datum niecoho ineho...

14. 22.06.2015, 09:58

No vies, pan Russel vymyslel nejaky datum z rozmeru pyramid, potom ked zistil, ze sa sekol, tak z toho spravili datum niecoho ineho...

22.06.2015, 13:56
Opäť.....pyramidológia bola v istých časoch populárna medzi mnohými kresťanmi,a ľudmi vo všeobecnosti. Neobmedzoval by som to len na Russela.

18. Shagara 22.06.2015, 13:56

Opäť.....pyramidológia bola v istých časoch populárna medzi mnohými kresťanmi,a ľudmi vo všeobecnosti. Neobmedzoval by som to len na Russela.

22.06.2015, 14:14
Velmi rad pouzivas argument "tu qoque"... alebo v tomto pripade skor "eae quoque".
Ale ostatni nie su zakladatelia "PRAVEJ CIRKVI", bez pohanskych prvkov a okultizmu, ale prave SJ..
Tak nemozes poukazovat na inych, ked o nich hovoris ako o tych nespravnych, so zlymi uceniami...

14. 22.06.2015, 09:58

No vies, pan Russel vymyslel nejaky datum z rozmeru pyramid, potom ked zistil, ze sa sekol, tak z toho spravili datum niecoho ineho...

22.06.2015, 14:25
Aj vedec ked niečo skúma,...tak sa často krát dopustí mnohých nepresností,chýb,zlyhaní,...ale postupne môže niečo objaviť. Russel ,bádatel Biblie položil základy pri objavení a očisťovaní biblickej pravdy. A tiež jeho spoločníci z viacerých biblických denominácií.

25. Shagara 22.06.2015, 14:25

Aj vedec ked niečo skúma,...tak sa často krát dopustí mnohých nepresností,chýb,zlyhaní,...ale postupne môže niečo objaviť. Russel ,bádatel Biblie položil základy pri objavení a očisťovaní biblickej pravdy. A tiež jeho spoločníci z viacerých biblických denominácií.

22.06.2015, 16:50
Ak sa SJ dopustali chyb, ako si mozes byt isty, ze teraz uz (nevedomky) nie?

27. 22.06.2015, 16:50

Ak sa SJ dopustali chyb, ako si mozes byt isty, ze teraz uz (nevedomky) nie?

22.06.2015, 18:15
Aj oni sa mýlia, len si to nepriznajú...

8. 22.06.2015, 09:38

A čo Jehovovi svedkovia, koho oni očakávajú, kedy , a ako ho spoznajú???

22.06.2015, 13:54
JS veria ,že v roku 1914 podľa biblickej chronologie sa skončili "časy pohanov", a bola v nebesiach nastolená Božia vláda na čele s Kristom. Vtedy začali posledné dni pre tento svet. Kristus dnes "podmaňuje uprostred nepriateľov" v tom zmysle,že sa po celom svete káže dobré posolstvo o Božom kráľovstve/čo robia JS/,....a to je oná "žatva" prostredníctvom ktorej úprimní jednotlivci sa odčleňujú od falošných náboženstiev,a stávajú sa súčasťou Božieho ľudu,ktorý bude po armagedone tvoriť základ novej,očistenej zeme./pozemský raj-1000-ročné kráľovstvo Krista/.
Tieto "posledné dni" sa dajú spoznať podla znamení ,ktoré opísal Ježiš. Príklad Matúš 24 kapitola,...2 Tim.3:1-5,13...Zjavenie....atd.
Konkrétnejšie.......Ježiš povedal, že jeho prítomnosť v postavení nebeského Kráľa sa bude vyznačovať tým, že na zemi budú vojny, hlad, zemetrasenia, morové nákazy a nezákonnosť. (Matúš 24:7–12; Lukáš 21:10, 11)
Ale hlavne poukázal na niečo i pozitívne.....Mat.24:14.....ked povedal ,že tesne pred tým.sa bude oznamovať už zmienené evanjelium,....na záchranu. To je najväčšie znamenie.
Zvestovaním sú ľudia upozorňovaní na to, že táto nebeská vláda sa chystá zasiahnuť, takže všetci dostávajú príležitosť uniknúť prichádzajúcemu zničeniu a stať sa poddanými tohto Kráľovstva.

17. Shagara 22.06.2015, 13:54

JS veria ,že v roku 1914 podľa biblickej chronologie sa skončili "časy pohanov", a bola v nebesiach nastolená Božia vláda na čele s Kristom. Vtedy začali posledné dni pre tento svet. Kristus dnes "podmaňuje uprostred nepriateľov" v tom zmysle,že sa po celom svete káže dobré posolstvo o Božom kráľovstve/čo robia JS/,....a to je oná "žatva" prostredníctvom ktorej úprimní jednotlivci sa odčleňujú od falošných náboženstiev,a stávajú sa súčasťou Božieho ľudu,ktorý bude po armagedone tvoriť základ nov...

22.06.2015, 14:09
JS veria ,že v roku 1914 podľa biblickej chronologie sa skončili "časy pohanov", >>
Hej, hej,
ale najprv to bol zaciatok Poslednych dni
ale kedze ten sa nekonal
tak to zmenili na pociatok vlady Jezisa v nebesiach
nakoniec to zmenili na koniec "casov pohanov"
Este ze su SJ neomylni a drzia pravdu...

"Konkrétnejšie.......Ježiš povedal, že jeho prítomnosť v postavení nebeského Kráľa sa bude vyznačovať tým, že na zemi budú vojny, hlad, zemetrasenia, morové nákazy a nezákonnosť. " >>>
Vojny, hlad, zemetrasenia, morove nakazy a nezakonnost snad existovali este pred Kristom a velakrat po nom...

"Ale hlavne poukázal na niečo i pozitívne.....Mat.24:14.....ked povedal ,že tesne pred tým.sa bude oznamovať už zmienené evanjelium,....na záchranu." >> Hej svedkovia jehovovi, ako male svetielko v tme...

Vy ludia uz musite asi fakt trpiet fronemofobiou...

17. Shagara 22.06.2015, 13:54

JS veria ,že v roku 1914 podľa biblickej chronologie sa skončili "časy pohanov", a bola v nebesiach nastolená Božia vláda na čele s Kristom. Vtedy začali posledné dni pre tento svet. Kristus dnes "podmaňuje uprostred nepriateľov" v tom zmysle,že sa po celom svete káže dobré posolstvo o Božom kráľovstve/čo robia JS/,....a to je oná "žatva" prostredníctvom ktorej úprimní jednotlivci sa odčleňujú od falošných náboženstiev,a stávajú sa súčasťou Božieho ľudu,ktorý bude po armagedone tvoriť základ nov...

22.06.2015, 18:17
Dobrý pohan...zlý Jehovista, kto je viac?

30. 22.06.2015, 18:17

Dobrý pohan...zlý Jehovista, kto je viac?

22.06.2015, 18:31
dobrý človek...ľudskosť(človečenstvo) treba povýšiť nad cirkevnú príslušnosť...

30. 22.06.2015, 18:17

Dobrý pohan...zlý Jehovista, kto je viac?

24.06.2015, 06:13
pekná zidovka

17. Shagara 22.06.2015, 13:54

JS veria ,že v roku 1914 podľa biblickej chronologie sa skončili "časy pohanov", a bola v nebesiach nastolená Božia vláda na čele s Kristom. Vtedy začali posledné dni pre tento svet. Kristus dnes "podmaňuje uprostred nepriateľov" v tom zmysle,že sa po celom svete káže dobré posolstvo o Božom kráľovstve/čo robia JS/,....a to je oná "žatva" prostredníctvom ktorej úprimní jednotlivci sa odčleňujú od falošných náboženstiev,a stávajú sa súčasťou Božieho ľudu,ktorý bude po armagedone tvoriť základ nov...

23.06.2015, 06:00
Ale ako ho spoznáte, že je to On, keď aj vy ho očakávate, tak ako všetky cirkvi a aj sekty, vlastne nakoniec aj vy ste len sekta, ktorá si melie to svoje, nehľadiac na pravdu a fakty v Biblii, ktoré hovoria o inému, ktorí príde ako Sudca, Osloboditeľ a Kráľ Tisícročnej ríše...

8. 22.06.2015, 09:38

A čo Jehovovi svedkovia, koho oni očakávajú, kedy , a ako ho spoznajú???

22.06.2015, 18:16
Tiež by ma to zaujímalo, že ako? Ale ako vidím, Shagara sa vyhol tejto otázke, prečo asi?

29. 22.06.2015, 18:16

Tiež by ma to zaujímalo, že ako? Ale ako vidím, Shagara sa vyhol tejto otázke, prečo asi?

22.06.2015, 21:50
Sloven ....čomu som sa vyhol? Rád to napravím.

37. Shagara 22.06.2015, 21:50

Sloven ....čomu som sa vyhol? Rád to napravím.

22.06.2015, 21:51
Tomu, čo sa pýta Bystrík o 9:38....

38. 22.06.2015, 21:51

Tomu, čo sa pýta Bystrík o 9:38....

23.06.2015, 02:06
Sloven...nevšimol si si,....odpovedal som už dávno v 17 ...o 13.54 hod. Ospravedlňujem sa....neuviedol som Bystríkove meno.
Asi je to preto! Je to odpoved na jeho otázky.

40. Shagara 23.06.2015, 02:06

Sloven...nevšimol si si,....odpovedal som už dávno v 17 ...o 13.54 hod. Ospravedlňujem sa....neuviedol som Bystríkove meno.
Asi je to preto! Je to odpoved na jeho otázky.

23.06.2015, 06:17
Ale to nie je odpoveď načo som sa ja pýtal, ani trochu....Chcem počuť priamu a jasnú odpoveď, že ako spoznajú JS Ježiša, alebo vlastne koho to JS očakávajú, keď sem vraj ešte raz príde----??? A kto je podľa JS Ježiš?

A ešte niečo pre JS. Evanjelia nenapísal Ježiš, ale bolo napísané po jeho pozemskej smrti, až po nejakom čase, na základe podaní učeníkov, teda je jasné, že nie všetko sa napísalo, skôr len malé percento z toho, čo Ježiš kedy povedal, vykonal, dokonca je známe, že aj z toho mála, nie všetko už sa tam nachádza, dokonca je tiež známe, že nejedno bolo pridané a zámerne prekrútené, aby mohla z toho svetská moc cirkvi ťažiť, o výkladoch je vôbec škoda hovoriť, tak ako o vlastných výkladoch aj JS, ktoré sú neraz scestné a nesprávne. Nech mi aj presne opíše Shagara, že čo sa odohralo pred týždňom v jeho živote, dopodrobna, čo povedal, kto mu čo povedal, čo sa vtedy stalo a tak--- V Evanjeliu Jána je na konci toto napísané: 25A je ešte mnoho iného, čo Ježiš učinil. A keby sa všetko dopodrobna malo popísať, myslím, ani svet by nestačil na knihy, ktoré by sa dali napísať.

A ak JS neuznávajú Božiu Trojicu, tak neuznávajú ani Boha, to si nech dobre Shagara tiež zapamätá---Zbytočne sa bude ohánať Shagara, že sa nemýli, žiaľ---pre neho--- opak aj teraz je pravdou---
👍: stefan 5

43. 23.06.2015, 06:17

Ale to nie je odpoveď načo som sa ja pýtal, ani trochu....Chcem počuť priamu a jasnú odpoveď, že ako spoznajú JS Ježiša, alebo vlastne koho to JS očakávajú, keď sem vraj ešte raz príde----??? A kto je podľa JS Ježiš?

A ešte niečo pre JS. Evanjelia nenapísal Ježiš, ale bolo napísané po jeho pozemskej smrti, až po nejakom čase, na základe podaní učeníkov, teda je jasné, že nie všetko sa napísalo, skôr len malé percento z toho, čo Ježiš kedy povedal, vykonal, dokonca je známe, že aj z toh...

24.06.2015, 00:42
Bystrík....Ježiša ľudia ,ktorí budú žiť v pozemskom raji,neuvidia doslovným zrakom. Jeho príchod mal byť definovaný podľa znamení,ktoré on uviedol. A to som písal. Teda,tu zohráva úlohu duchovný zrak. A Ježiš je to,čo o sebe tvrdil a čo tvrdí o ňom Písmo. Je Boží syn. Nikde nie je písané,že je Boh syn.
A Biblia je Slovo Božie,a Ježiš sa tak označuje,lebo bol hovorca Boha. Ak ju aj on nepísal doslovne,sú tam jeho a Božie myšlienky. A ak on tvrdí,že on je tou "pravdou,cestou" tak to platí na Kristov zákon,NZ. To nie je zbierka ľudských blástov.
A s tými výkladmi súhlasím. Ved spraviť z monoteistického náboženstva polyteistické, tak to je naozaj silná káva. Jediného Boha Izraela nahradili traja bohovia v nezrozumiteľnej trojici. A ešte to priklincovať výrokom:"Ale aj tak je jeden",...tak to už vôbec nekomentujem. Uráža ma takýto prístup k pravde a k Bohu Biblie,ktorému mnohí ani na meno nevedia prísť.
Aj ked do bezvedomia omieľajú:"Otče.posväť sa tvoje meno"!
A máš pravdu,trojicu nebudem uznávať,ani keby som mal prísť o život. Trojhlavých drakov neobľubujem.

53. Shagara 24.06.2015, 00:42

Bystrík....Ježiša ľudia ,ktorí budú žiť v pozemskom raji,neuvidia doslovným zrakom. Jeho príchod mal byť definovaný podľa znamení,ktoré on uviedol. A to som písal. Teda,tu zohráva úlohu duchovný zrak. A Ježiš je to,čo o sebe tvrdil a čo tvrdí o ňom Písmo. Je Boží syn. Nikde nie je písané,že je Boh syn.
A Biblia je Slovo Božie,a Ježiš sa tak označuje,lebo bol hovorca Boha. Ak ju aj on nepísal doslovne,sú tam jeho a Božie myšlienky. A ak on tvrdí,že on je tou "pravdou,cestou" tak to platí na K...

24.06.2015, 06:43
Nebudete, problém Shagaru---Vlastne nová cirkev je JS, s novou dogmou, ktorá popiera Božiu Trojicu, teda Boha, a ktorá očakáva Toho, ktorý sem nikdy už nepríde, a dokonca tvrdý, že vo svojej podstate Ježiš nie je časťou Boha Stvoriteľa---Ja poznám zhruba čo hlásajú JS, veď neraz má už zastavili, neraz zazvonili, teda vlastne ani viac som nečakal, len som chcel vedieť, že ako Ježiša JS spoznajú----ale ako vidím odpovedi sa nedočkám, len veľa balastu a nejasnosti---

53. Shagara 24.06.2015, 00:42

Bystrík....Ježiša ľudia ,ktorí budú žiť v pozemskom raji,neuvidia doslovným zrakom. Jeho príchod mal byť definovaný podľa znamení,ktoré on uviedol. A to som písal. Teda,tu zohráva úlohu duchovný zrak. A Ježiš je to,čo o sebe tvrdil a čo tvrdí o ňom Písmo. Je Boží syn. Nikde nie je písané,že je Boh syn.
A Biblia je Slovo Božie,a Ježiš sa tak označuje,lebo bol hovorca Boha. Ak ju aj on nepísal doslovne,sú tam jeho a Božie myšlienky. A ak on tvrdí,že on je tou "pravdou,cestou" tak to platí na K...

26.06.2015, 07:56
Bystrík,....ak nie si konkrétnejší,tak ti neviem pomôcť. Jednoducho je Ježiš Boží syn/to,čo stále o sebe tvrdil/, teda jeden z Božích anjelov. Ale je výnimočný v tom,že jeho priamo vytvoril Boh Otec,a tí ostatní už boli vytvorení skrze neho. Ježiš je tada druhou najmocnejšou bytosťou vo Vesmíre. A jeho výnimočnosť je aj v tom,že sa za nás obetoval. Ale určite nie je Všemohúci Boh. Tým je len Jahve. Jeho Otec.

69. Shagara 26.06.2015, 07:56

Bystrík,....ak nie si konkrétnejší,tak ti neviem pomôcť. Jednoducho je Ježiš Boží syn/to,čo stále o sebe tvrdil/, teda jeden z Božích anjelov. Ale je výnimočný v tom,že jeho priamo vytvoril Boh Otec,a tí ostatní už boli vytvorení skrze neho. Ježiš je tada druhou najmocnejšou bytosťou vo Vesmíre. A jeho výnimočnosť je aj v tom,že sa za nás obetoval. Ale určite nie je Všemohúci Boh. Tým je len Jahve. Jeho Otec.

26.06.2015, 08:12
Ja nepotrebujem, pomoc, to skôr Shagara---Moje odporúčanie, čím skôr opustiť túto cirkev, sektu, či čo ste, pokiaľ sa ešte dá---Dať Syna Božieho na úroveň anjelov, dokonca opäť ta obrovská lož o obete za naše hriechy----
22.06.2015, 00:42
samozrejme Shagara že sú to len podobenstvá..náboženské ,..vždy sa jednalo o začiatok novej éry, ..v dobre kristovej ľudia nemali znaliosti a vysvetľovali si udalosti dosť primítvne, zjednodušeneto, nechce sa mito rozvádzať../ jednozančne Mayovioa vedeli svoje, bola to silno vyspelá civilizácia dávno pred Kristom, vyspelejšia ako stroegypťania, mayovia ovládali dokona,lo atrologiu a astronomiu, vedeli vypočítať neskutočné planetárne veci . atp,.. u ktorých je známy Mayský kalendár.
Čiže ako sa aj ohlasoval koniec sveta na r. 2012, signalizioval to len začiatok novej éry.. duchovnú prermenu .Svet existuje miliony rokov a ak nie miliardy, a len tak život v ňom nezanikne..

2. 22.06.2015, 00:42

samozrejme Shagara že sú to len podobenstvá..náboženské ,..vždy sa jednalo o začiatok novej éry, ..v dobre kristovej ľudia nemali znaliosti a vysvetľovali si udalosti dosť primítvne, zjednodušeneto, nechce sa mito rozvádzať../ jednozančne Mayovioa vedeli svoje, bola to silno vyspelá civilizácia dávno pred Kristom, vyspelejšia ako stroegypťania, mayovia ovládali dokona,lo atrologiu a astronomiu, vedeli vypočítať neskutočné planetárne veci . atp,.. u ktorých je známy Mayský kalendár.
Čiže ak...

22.06.2015, 09:33
pozri sa na fakty, mayska civilizácia zanikla prirodzene, vy bojujute proti naboženstvu - islamský štát, neskôr sa bude bojovať proti egyptskej mytológii a nakoniec budete bojovať proti mimozemšťanom, potom vám možno niekto prehraje históriu a pochopíte že mayovia tu boli kvôli náboženstvu, ktoré ste si prečítali ale neuznali

6. 22.06.2015, 09:33

pozri sa na fakty, mayska civilizácia zanikla prirodzene, vy bojujute proti naboženstvu - islamský štát, neskôr sa bude bojovať proti egyptskej mytológii a nakoniec budete bojovať proti mimozemšťanom, potom vám možno niekto prehraje históriu a pochopíte že mayovia tu boli kvôli náboženstvu, ktoré ste si prečítali ale neuznali

22.06.2015, 09:36
Ok. Patrac, tak som ta zacal pocuvat!
Vyklop co chces na Bohoch. Co chces zmenit. Mas cas len 5 minut.

7. ranexil 22.06.2015, 09:36

Ok. Patrac, tak som ta zacal pocuvat!
Vyklop co chces na Bohoch. Co chces zmenit. Mas cas len 5 minut.

22.06.2015, 09:39
každý sa usiluje aby ekonomika bola v rovnováhe, príroda hovorí niečo iné každé tri mesiace sa mení, ekonomika v rovnováhe stúpa, stúpa až kým planéta vybuchne ako bublinka preto vravím ľudia si neuvedomujú, že sme na kraji apokalypsy

9. 22.06.2015, 09:39

každý sa usiluje aby ekonomika bola v rovnováhe, príroda hovorí niečo iné každé tri mesiace sa mení, ekonomika v rovnováhe stúpa, stúpa až kým planéta vybuchne ako bublinka preto vravím ľudia si neuvedomujú, že sme na kraji apokalypsy

22.06.2015, 09:47
Tak sa zabi a odtranis jedneho nicitela..

11. ranexil 22.06.2015, 09:47

Tak sa zabi a odtranis jedneho nicitela..

22.06.2015, 09:48
pamätaj si, kolobeh dejín by sa nemal opakovať

6. 22.06.2015, 09:33

pozri sa na fakty, mayska civilizácia zanikla prirodzene, vy bojujute proti naboženstvu - islamský štát, neskôr sa bude bojovať proti egyptskej mytológii a nakoniec budete bojovať proti mimozemšťanom, potom vám možno niekto prehraje históriu a pochopíte že mayovia tu boli kvôli náboženstvu, ktoré ste si prečítali ale neuznali

22.06.2015, 22:19
6..pátrač, práveže mayská civilizácia tá pôvodná, akosi záhadne zmizla a dodnes nikto nevie kam,../..a jasne že mali svoje náboženstvo ..len mali viac Bohov).. a v stredoveku ich španielsky biskup násilne donútil konvertovať na katolicizmus a nechal spáliť všetky ich kódexy, čo je neskutočná historická škoda.

39. 22.06.2015, 22:19

6..pátrač, práveže mayská civilizácia tá pôvodná, akosi záhadne zmizla a dodnes nikto nevie kam,../..a jasne že mali svoje náboženstvo ..len mali viac Bohov).. a v stredoveku ich španielsky biskup násilne donútil konvertovať na katolicizmus a nechal spáliť všetky ich kódexy, čo je neskutočná historická škoda.

23.06.2015, 10:38
áno ale tak to má byť, život zničí hmotu, duša zničí telo, inej cesty niet
22.06.2015, 01:36
Je pochopiteľné,....že čas konca nikto nevie. Ale príchod Krista/parousia/ je niečo iné! Príklad: Kresťania v 1 storočí očakávali podľa presnej biblickej chronologie Mesiáša okolo roku cca 29n.l. Ten výpočet je aj v katolíckej Biblii,v poznámke pod čiarou.
Ale kedy príde avízovaný koniec/Pánov deň/ to nevedeli. Ten v prvom splňaní prišiel v roku 70 n.l., ked Titus zrovnal Jeruzalem,a kresťania sa zachránili na základe porozumenia daného proroctva z Matúša 24 kapitoly a utiekli do hôr Pella.
Tak to bude i dnes. Kristus prišiel v roku 1914 a odvtedy ako kážu JS sa začali tzv."posledné dni". A to kedy príde koniec,nie je podstatné,ale je faktom,že mi už sme poslednej časti týchto "posledných dní". JS už vyše sto rokov kážu dobré posolstvo o kráľovstve a varujú pred zničením. Ale dnes to vidia už aj mnohí neveriaci. Svet sa rúti,tak či tak do kolapsu. Aj preto musí Boh zasiahnuť!
A ja nevnímam koniec sveta,ako zánik zeme. Práve naopak. Odporúčajú sa len ľudia ktorí fyzicky,morálne,duchovne a duševne kazili tento svet,túto zem. Zem a život bude dalej pokračovať v pozemskom raji. To je tá "nová éra". S tým súhlasím.
22.06.2015, 11:06
Shagara...som rád,že sa začínaš naprávať a niektoré veci ,ktoré hlásate už nenazývaš bibl.termínmi.Ale predsa ešte nejaké nedostatky sú.
Správne si napísal,že "JS už vyše sto rokov kážu dobré posolstvo".Chvályhodné je,že to nenazývaš evanjeliom,lebo by to bol vrchol rúhania.Len tam ešte treba dodať,že je to jehovistické "dobré posolstvo",ktoré chvalabohu nemá nič s tým biblickým.
O tom príchode v r. 1914 treba dopovedať,že prišiel VÁŠ kristus,ktorý chvalabohu tiež nemá nič spoločné s tým kresťanským.

Možno by si mohol svojim bratom dať do pozornosti,že JÁN videl nové nebo a novú zem.
22.06.2015, 14:11
farár na východe v jednej dedine odslúžil omšu a išiel do susednej dediny do bordelu... a ovečky lubia ježiška

20. 22.06.2015, 14:11

farár na východe v jednej dedine odslúžil omšu a išiel do susednej dediny do bordelu... a ovečky lubia ježiška

22.06.2015, 14:16
To som pocul aj ja o nejakom pred pred predchadzajucom fararovi katolickom, ze ho videli v nejakom klube v sprievode dvoch zien..

Ale to neznamena, ze ked niekto failne, tak faill vsetci...

20. 22.06.2015, 14:11

farár na východe v jednej dedine odslúžil omšu a išiel do susednej dediny do bordelu... a ovečky lubia ježiška

22.06.2015, 14:28
Fitipaldi....takých je veľa. Ale daným ovečkám to vôbec nevadí. Ježiš za to nemôže. Je to len vina,vec samotného pokryteckého kňaza.

20. 22.06.2015, 14:11

farár na východe v jednej dedine odslúžil omšu a išiel do susednej dediny do bordelu... a ovečky lubia ježiška

22.06.2015, 20:53
zrušte celibát....
👍: Shagara

34. 22.06.2015, 20:53

zrušte celibát....

23.06.2015, 06:02
Celibát, ktorý niekto len vymyslel, narobil tiež veľa nedobrého---
👍: Shagara
22.06.2015, 14:18
Stefan.....viem o tom "novom nebi a novej zemi,....ale je to symbolický výraz. Lebo aj za Izaiáša bolo podobné vyhlásenie,a nezmenila sa zem,ani nebo!
A tu je to dobré posolstvo.zvesť......" Duch Pána Jahveho spočíva na mne, lebo Jahve ma pomazal; poslal ma doniesť dobrú zvesť úbohým, obviazať ranené srdcia, oznámiť slobodu zajatcom a uväzneným vyslobodenie; 2 vyhlásiť rok Jahveho milosti a deň pomsty nášho Boha, aby som potešil všetkých smútiacich, " Izaiáš 61:1
Uplatnenie....Lukáš 4:17-18.........."Podali mu Knihu proroka Izaiáša. Keď knihu rozvinul, našiel miesto, kde bolo napísané: 18 Duch Pánov spočíva na mne, lebo Boh ma zasvätil pomazaním, aby som doniesol Dobrú zvesť chudobným. Poslal ma oznámiť zajatým, že sú prepustení, a slepým, že sa im vracia zrak; utláčaných prepustiť na slobodu 19 a ohlásiť Pánov milostivý rok. "
Zjav.14:6...."Potom som videl iného anjela letieť stredom neba: Mal večnú Zvesť, aby ju zvestoval obyvateľom zeme, každému národu, kmeňu, jazyku a ľudu. 7 Volal mohutným hlasom: Bojte sa Boha a vzdajte mu slávu, lebo prišla hodina jeho súdu."
Ale pre neznalých.......Evanjelium v preklade znamená?....Etymológia[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]
Slovenské slovo evanjelium pochádza z gréckeho ?????????? (doslovný význam dobré správy), ktorým kresťania označovali svoje učenie.
Strielaš vedľa Stefan. Ujasni si najprv základné pojmy! Rád sa hráš so slovíčkami a uniká ti podstata.
Botekov,katolícky preklad:....." Táto Dobrá zvesť o kráľovstve sa bude hlásať po celom svete ako svedectvo všetkým národom. A potom príde koniec. "
Dobrá správa,...dobrá novina,....dobrá zvesť,....dobré posolstvo,...evanjélium-je stále to isté. Je to jedno,ktorý výraz prekladatel použije. Stále je to isté!!!!
Stefan.....ty nepoznáš ani len elementárne,biblické základy. To ako keby si sa so mnou hádal,že anjel nie je posol. Angelos je v preklade posol. A to platí i na to evanjelium. Stačí len použiť Wikipédiu,biblický slovník a hned budeš "múdrejší".
A náš Kristus je biblický,...tvoj ,trojjediný je pohanská náhražka. A taký ti nič nepomôže.
22.06.2015, 18:25
Shagara, k "1" čo konce sveta v rokoch 1918, 1925 a 1975... tie neboli JS predpovedané?

31. J.Tull 22.06.2015, 18:25

Shagara, k "1" čo konce sveta v rokoch 1918, 1925 a 1975... tie neboli JS predpovedané?

22.06.2015, 21:42
J .Tull ....boli aj tam isté očakávania/ spomenul som to / ale aj tie dártumy sú platné v súvislosti s Danielovými "obdobiami". A rok 1975 bol rokom ,ked uplynulo 6000 rokov od stvorenia Adama. Ako som už spomenul,...JS sa domnievali ,že vtedy sa niečo naplní. Nestalo sa tak,.......boli to počiatky bádateľskej práce JS. Ja samotné predpovede neodsudzujem/ani u iných/,.....preto som ich uviedol aby bolo zréjme,že mnohí sa mýlili ešte vo väčšom meradle ako JS. Pre mňa je dôležitá biblická pravda a jej uplatňovanie. To je kritérium ,či je niekto Bohu prijateľní ,alebo nie. Stále platí,...že ,pravdu môže mať len jedna cirkev,organizácia,spoločnosť...atd. A tú maju ľudia hladať! Hovorím všeobecne......pravda môže byť len jedna,...a aj jena cirkev. To je absolútna pravda, a tvrdiť opak,znamená kopať si hrob!

35. Shagara 22.06.2015, 21:42

J .Tull ....boli aj tam isté očakávania/ spomenul som to / ale aj tie dártumy sú platné v súvislosti s Danielovými "obdobiami". A rok 1975 bol rokom ,ked uplynulo 6000 rokov od stvorenia Adama. Ako som už spomenul,...JS sa domnievali ,že vtedy sa niečo naplní. Nestalo sa tak,.......boli to počiatky bádateľskej práce JS. Ja samotné predpovede neodsudzujem/ani u iných/,.....preto som ich uviedol aby bolo zréjme,že mnohí sa mýlili ešte vo väčšom meradle ako JS. Pre mňa je dôležitá biblická pravda...

23.06.2015, 07:44
Ano pri zaciatkoch sa JS mylili teraz uz nie, teraz uz poznaju dokonalu pravdu...

A jedinu pravdu ma kto?? No predsa svedkovia Jehovovi...
👍: J.Tull

35. Shagara 22.06.2015, 21:42

J .Tull ....boli aj tam isté očakávania/ spomenul som to / ale aj tie dártumy sú platné v súvislosti s Danielovými "obdobiami". A rok 1975 bol rokom ,ked uplynulo 6000 rokov od stvorenia Adama. Ako som už spomenul,...JS sa domnievali ,že vtedy sa niečo naplní. Nestalo sa tak,.......boli to počiatky bádateľskej práce JS. Ja samotné predpovede neodsudzujem/ani u iných/,.....preto som ich uviedol aby bolo zréjme,že mnohí sa mýlili ešte vo väčšom meradle ako JS. Pre mňa je dôležitá biblická pravda...

23.06.2015, 10:36
Shagara, boli aj tam isté očakávania? ...boli to isto isté neomylné pravdy a boli nimi dovtedy, kým sa neukázalo, že ide o omyl... kým sa vrtenia veršami Písiem, ukázali ako nesprávne... a nie sú to jediné prípady, keď výluční vlastníci jedinej pravdy menia názor... odkaz
...nekritizujem ich omylnosť, nekritizujem zmenu názoru (len hlupák nemení názor... zotrváva v omyle...) kritizujem pýchu, namyslenosť, aroganciu s akou sa stavajú za jediných nositeľov pravdy a z tejto pozície, z pozície vlastnej falošnej, farizejskej neomylnosti, nielen súdia, ale odsudzujú ostatných... žiaľ človek všeobecne kritizuje smietky v očiach blížneho svojho (ktorého mnohokrát ani nepovažuje za blížneho svojho... a to len preto, že má iný názor... ) a vlastné brvná nevidí...

Stále platí,...že ,pravdu môže mať len jedna cirkev, organizácia, spoločnosť... musí to platiť, lebo tak to z Písiem vyčítali JS a oni sú vo vrtení veršami Písiem neomylnými... ak povedia, že koniec sveta bude v roku 1975 tak bude aj vtedy, keby nebol, ak povedia transplantácie sú kanibalizmom tak kanibalizmom sú a to dovtedy, kým ich nepovolia, či dokonca neodporučia...

46. J.Tull 23.06.2015, 10:36

Shagara, boli aj tam isté očakávania? ...boli to isto isté neomylné pravdy a boli nimi dovtedy, kým sa neukázalo, že ide o omyl... kým sa vrtenia veršami Písiem, ukázali ako nesprávne... a nie sú to jediné prípady, keď výluční vlastníci jedinej pravdy menia názor... https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovovi_svedkovia#Kritika
...nekritizujem ich omylnosť, nekritizujem zmenu názoru (len hlupák nemení názor... zotrváva v omyle...) kritizujem pýchu, namyslenosť, aroganciu s akou sa stavajú za ...

23.06.2015, 11:02
ad 46 "kritizujem pýchu, namyslenosť, aroganciu "

Shagara, ako sa zda, nie som jediny, ktoremu sa zda, ze to co ukazujes je arogancia a pycha...
Hovorim o nic lepsieho ako Patrick s jedinou spravnou cirkvou a to katolickou, alebo veriaci-4 jedine letniciari, pretoze su pokrsteni duchom svatym...

Ty brdo, cim dalej, tym viac, mi pridu cirkvi ako nejake divadlo, v ktorom si hra tu svoju komediu...
👍: stefan 5 , attis

48. 23.06.2015, 11:02

ad 46 "kritizujem pýchu, namyslenosť, aroganciu "

Shagara, ako sa zda, nie som jediny, ktoremu sa zda, ze to co ukazujes je arogancia a pycha...
Hovorim o nic lepsieho ako Patrick s jedinou spravnou cirkvou a to katolickou, alebo veriaci-4 jedine letniciari, pretoze su pokrsteni duchom svatym...

Ty brdo, cim dalej, tym viac, mi pridu cirkvi ako nejake divadlo, v ktorom si hra tu svoju komediu...

23.06.2015, 12:38
W....len s tým rozdielom,že JS dnes evanjelizujú po celom svete, a to nie s nejakou imaginárnou pravdou. A viem že ty a mnohí sa na tom potkýnajú. Bolo tomu tak i v 1 storočí. A ty sa len priraduješ k daným ludom,nič viac.
A máš pravdu,aj Biblia definuje danú scénu náboženstiev ako "divadlo". Len niekto je "sólista" a niekto "štatista".
"a Boh si vyvolil neurodzené veci sveta a opovrhované veci, veci, čo nie sú, aby obrátil navnivoč veci, čo sú".
A pohŕdavý postoj voči pravde dnes prejavujú mnohí vrátane pedagógov, politikov i náboženských vodcov. Sú toho názoru, ako ty,..... že pravda — zvlášť pravda týkajúca sa morálky a duchovných vecí — nie je absolútna, ale relatívna a stále sa mení. To vedie k predstave, že ľudia si môžu sami určovať, čo je správne a čo nesprávne. (Izaiáš 5:20, 21) Takýto postoj tiež ľuďom umožňuje zavrhnúť hodnoty a morálne normy predošlých generácií ako niečo zastarané, a vysvetlovať si Písmo hala-bala.
Tu je i pohľad protestantov na -"absolútnu pravdu".....:odkaz už daj pokoj s relativizmom. Alebo ty si tou normou pravdy?

50. Shagara 23.06.2015, 12:38

W....len s tým rozdielom,že JS dnes evanjelizujú po celom svete, a to nie s nejakou imaginárnou pravdou. A viem že ty a mnohí sa na tom potkýnajú. Bolo tomu tak i v 1 storočí. A ty sa len priraduješ k daným ludom,nič viac.
A máš pravdu,aj Biblia definuje danú scénu náboženstiev ako "divadlo". Len niekto je "sólista" a niekto "štatista".
"a Boh si vyvolil neurodzené veci sveta a opovrhované veci, veci, čo nie sú, aby obrátil navnivoč veci, čo sú".
A pohŕdavý postoj voči pravde dnes pr...

24.06.2015, 06:04
Samozrejme, kazdy ma imaginarnu pravdu, okrem JS
JS maju to jedinu spravnu pravdu priamo od Boha...

"A pohŕdavý postoj voči pravde dnes prejavujú mnohí vrátane pedagógov, politikov i náboženských vodcov. Sú toho názoru, ako ty,..... že pravda — zvlášť pravda týkajúca sa morálky a duchovných vecí — nie je absolútna, ale relatívna a stále sa mení. " >> Uz zacinas zas vrtiet... viem kam tym smerujes, chces z nejasnej pravdy implikovat nejasnu pravdu o moralke, aby si mohol implikovat nejasnu moralku...

Kedze som ako si naznacil relativista, ako by som mohol byt normou pravdy?

Ja nehovorim, ze zle je dobre a dobre je zle..
Mame predsa nieco ako svedomie dane od Boha...
Ked hovorim, ze nemozeme poznat uplnu pravdu, tak ty to hned aplikujes na moralku...
Ako som povedal, cokolvek zavrtis, ako sa ti paci..
Hovorim o vseobecnej absolutnej pravde, ale jedine co ta napadne je moralka..

48. 23.06.2015, 11:02

ad 46 "kritizujem pýchu, namyslenosť, aroganciu "

Shagara, ako sa zda, nie som jediny, ktoremu sa zda, ze to co ukazujes je arogancia a pycha...
Hovorim o nic lepsieho ako Patrick s jedinou spravnou cirkvou a to katolickou, alebo veriaci-4 jedine letniciari, pretoze su pokrsteni duchom svatym...

Ty brdo, cim dalej, tym viac, mi pridu cirkvi ako nejake divadlo, v ktorom si hra tu svoju komediu...

24.06.2015, 06:10
cirkvi = cirkvy

len oprava hrubky (kedze je to nominativ pluralu a nie akuzativ singularu (/pluralu - kedze pisem bez diakritiky) )

46. J.Tull 23.06.2015, 10:36

Shagara, boli aj tam isté očakávania? ...boli to isto isté neomylné pravdy a boli nimi dovtedy, kým sa neukázalo, že ide o omyl... kým sa vrtenia veršami Písiem, ukázali ako nesprávne... a nie sú to jediné prípady, keď výluční vlastníci jedinej pravdy menia názor... https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovovi_svedkovia#Kritika
...nekritizujem ich omylnosť, nekritizujem zmenu názoru (len hlupák nemení názor... zotrváva v omyle...) kritizujem pýchu, namyslenosť, aroganciu s akou sa stavajú za ...

23.06.2015, 13:10
J.Tull....máš zlú predstavu o pravde. Podla teba a iných,pravda je niečo ,čomu ľudia veria v hotovej,nemennej a stopercentnej verzii. Ale to je utópia a vôbec sa to nezakladá na Písme ani logike. Porozumenie Písiem,proroctiev pribúda postupne. A to,čo sa vytýka JS ,sú len okrajové fakty,....gro biblickej pravdy je už dlho stabilné.
A je pravdou opäť fakt,že v iných náboženstvách sa menia "pravdy" častejšie. Vid RKC. A to sú neomylní a tiež tvrdia ,že oni nič nemenili. A pritom sa menili i dogmy.
Ale JS nemajú takýto pohľad na pravdu.
Daniel 12:4...."A ty, ó, Daniel, utaj tie slová a zapečať knihu až do času konca. Mnohí sa budú potulovať a [pravé] poznanie sa rozhojní.“
Tu môžeš čítať,že mnohé veci mali byť "zapečatené",skryté a až v čase konca sa im malo porozumieť. Tiež 1 Kor.2:7/skrytá pravda/,alebo-Efezanom 3:5–9.. (1. Petra 1:10–12)
Aj v 1 storočí boli rozdieľne názory,ktoré sa potom dodatočne upravili,ked prišlo lepšie porozumenie./prijatie pohanov,jedlo,obriezka,sabat,vzkriesenie...atd/
"Smietky" ako ich ty vnímaš,.....sú v očiach Boha,zásadné omyli. Ci už ide o poznanie Boha/trojica/, o účasť vo vojnách v politike, o viere v peklo,nesmrteľnú dušu...atd. Sú to hlavné,základné pravdy Biblie. Ak jednu porušíš,zmeníš ....celé tvoje uctievanie je márne. Mat.15:9. Ved ak Hitler ako katolík a 50% katolíkov a 50% protestantov podporovalo jeho zabíjanie/50 až 100 milionov obetí/tak to musela byť poriadna smietka. A určite táto "láska k blížnemu" ti viac imponuje ako nenásilný postoj JS!
Tulík...ja ti rozhrešenie nedám,aby som uspokojil tvoju túžbu relativizme. Pozri si tú stránku protestantov o "abslútnej pravde". Dal som na ňu odkaz./Wolfovi/
Relativizmus uráža mojú dôstojnosť a zmysel pre logické závery. Ak to nie je tvoj problém...tak to len svedčí o tom ,že si to,čo tak často proklamuješ./neveriaci/ Ale potom musíš súhlasiť aj s tým,čo potom na teba platí: „Telesný človek neprijíma veci Božieho ducha, lebo sú mu pochabosťou,“ hovorí Biblia. „Ale duchovný človek posudzuje skutočne všetko.“ (1. Korinťanom 2:14, 15) A len mi nehovor ,že ty ako neveriaci si duchovný človek?! To by si ma rozveselil,a mohlo by mi to uškodiť!
Aj Kristus bol nositeľom pravdy a jeho učeníci. Boli aj oni namyslení,ked zavrhovali nepravdu a zvestovali pravdu,pre ktorú boli prenasledovaní,mučení a zabíjaní? A mali tiež brvná v oku?
A JS odsudzujú nepravdu a prekrúcačov pravdy. Ale každý sa môže zmeniť,...čo ale väčšina nechce.

52. Shagara 23.06.2015, 13:10

J.Tull....máš zlú predstavu o pravde. Podla teba a iných,pravda je niečo ,čomu ľudia veria v hotovej,nemennej a stopercentnej verzii. Ale to je utópia a vôbec sa to nezakladá na Písme ani logike. Porozumenie Písiem,proroctiev pribúda postupne. A to,čo sa vytýka JS ,sú len okrajové fakty,....gro biblickej pravdy je už dlho stabilné.
A je pravdou opäť fakt,že v iných náboženstvách sa menia "pravdy" častejšie. Vid RKC. A to sú neomylní a tiež tvrdia ,že oni nič nemenili. A pritom sa menili i do...

24.06.2015, 06:51
Tu môžeš čítať,že mnohé veci mali byť "zapečatené",skryté a až v čase konca sa im malo porozumieť. Tiež 1 Kor.2:7/skrytá pravda/,alebo-Efezanom 3:5–9.. (1. Petra 1:10–12)

Kedze Russel prisiel s novym evanjeliom a este vymyslel, ze sa blizi koniec sveta, tak si asi mylsle, ze prave on odpecatil "veci"

"Ci už ide o poznanie Boha/trojica/, o účasť vo vojnách v politike" >> Kde presne je napisane v biblii proti ucasti v politike? (ty brdo toto by som ukazal dvom evanjelickym fararom 🙂 jeden dokonca kandidoval za europoslanca)

Inam myslim, ze nikto po tebe ziadne rozhresenie nechce
Neviem preco mas stale pocit, ze si ten, co stoji nad... to je len pocit nadradenosti a pycha

60. 24.06.2015, 06:51

Tu môžeš čítať,že mnohé veci mali byť "zapečatené",skryté a až v čase konca sa im malo porozumieť. Tiež 1 Kor.2:7/skrytá pravda/,alebo-Efezanom 3:5–9.. (1. Petra 1:10–12)

Kedze Russel prisiel s novym evanjeliom a este vymyslel, ze sa blizi koniec sveta, tak si asi mylsle, ze prave on odpecatil "veci"

"Ci už ide o poznanie Boha/trojica/, o účasť vo vojnách v politike" >> Kde presne je napisane v biblii proti ucasti v politike? (ty brdo toto by som ukazal dvom evanjelickym f...

26.06.2015, 08:01
W....ak nevieš kde sa to píše o tej "politike" v Písme,tak potom máš duchovnú slepotu. Ak už neveríš JS,tak si prečítaj niečo o prvotných kresťanoch. Uisťujem ťa,že nie je ani jeden historik,teolog,ktorý by nepísal,že kresťania boli apolitický,oddelení od sveta a neutrálny.
A ten pocit mám preto,že sa pridŕžam Božieho slova. Nie svojích názorov.
A viem,že keby to bolo o tej "politike" napísané aj sto ráz v Písme,mnohými to ani nepohne,a budú si obhajovať svoje nesprávne konanie.

70. Shagara 26.06.2015, 08:01

W....ak nevieš kde sa to píše o tej "politike" v Písme,tak potom máš duchovnú slepotu. Ak už neveríš JS,tak si prečítaj niečo o prvotných kresťanoch. Uisťujem ťa,že nie je ani jeden historik,teolog,ktorý by nepísal,že kresťania boli apolitický,oddelení od sveta a neutrálny.
A ten pocit mám preto,že sa pridŕžam Božieho slova. Nie svojích názorov.
A viem,že keby to bolo o tej "politike" napísané aj sto ráz v Písme,mnohými to ani nepohne,a budú si obhajovať svoje nesprávne konanie.

26.06.2015, 10:04
Ja som sa len normalne pytal...

14 Dal som im tvoje slovo a svet ich znenávidel, >>>lebo nie sú zo sveta, ako ani ja nie som zo sveta.<<
15 >>>Neprosím, aby si ich vzal zo sveta<<<, ale aby si ich ochránil pred Zlým.

Jeho kralovstvo je mimo tohto sveta...
Ale my este stale zijeme na tomto svete..

Manzelka chodila k alergologovi, ktoreho zena patrila do sekty vesmirni ludia.. nic nerobila, len sedela a cakala, kedy si po nu pridu..
Hmm niecom i to pripomina...

Je to v sucasnosti urcite len neutralita, alebo indiferencia?

52. Shagara 23.06.2015, 13:10

J.Tull....máš zlú predstavu o pravde. Podla teba a iných,pravda je niečo ,čomu ľudia veria v hotovej,nemennej a stopercentnej verzii. Ale to je utópia a vôbec sa to nezakladá na Písme ani logike. Porozumenie Písiem,proroctiev pribúda postupne. A to,čo sa vytýka JS ,sú len okrajové fakty,....gro biblickej pravdy je už dlho stabilné.
A je pravdou opäť fakt,že v iných náboženstvách sa menia "pravdy" častejšie. Vid RKC. A to sú neomylní a tiež tvrdia ,že oni nič nemenili. A pritom sa menili i do...

24.06.2015, 16:11
Shagara, Opäť Ti nerozumiem, nechápem z čoho si vychádzal, keď tvrdíš: „Podľa teba a iných, pravda je niečo, čomu ľudia veria v hotovej, nemennej a stopercentnej verzii“? Nič také som nepísal. Písal som presný opak. Zopakujem:
„Vlastnosťou pravdy, respektíve skutočnosti, je jej poznateľnosť... skutočnosť je poznateľná a jej „absolútne poznanie“ je (absolútna) Pravda... človek však nemôže spoznávať skutočnosť v celku, a ako takú ju jednotlivec ani nespozná, ale to neznamená, že sa k nej nemôže blížiť... Pravda, v zmysle absolútnej Pravdy, je ideálom, ku ktorému sa človek svojim poznávaním, skúsenosťami... ktoré si odovzdáva z pokolenia na pokolenie, snaží dosiahnuť...
Naproti tomu práve Ty tu dookola, bez logického zdôvodnenia, opakuješ:
„musí byť jedna skupina ,ktorá pozná pravdu“
...a odrazu je to inak, odrazu neexistuje skupina, ktorá pozná pravdu, lebo „Porozumenie Písiem, proroctiev pribúda postupne“ a ako potvrdzuje história, nemôže si byť nik istý, žiadna denominácia, spoločenstvo, cirkev, že pravda, ktorú našli, je skutočne pravdou, alebo len ďalším omylom... náboženské vojny nevznikli preto, že existuje „jedna Pravda“, ale preto, že verili, že tou pravdou je práve tá ich a pravdy všetkých ostatných sú satanovým dielom...
Nie som relativista, opäť neviem, kde si to nabral... dajme tomu „skeptik“... písal som:
"... Genezis, ktorého šifra nám hovorí, že svet nie je božský, že sme jedného rodu, že „nás jedna mater mala“, že sme v tomto smere rovnakými, hovorí „Narodili sme sa do konkrétneho sveta, civilizácie, kultúry, ktorú budovali generácie a generácie našich predkov a to tak, že nadväzovali, tvorili všetko - vrátane morálnych hodnôt, v pozitívnom i negatívnom zmysle - z toho, čo bolo vytvorené generáciami pred nimi... dedíme všetko po našich predkoch, i hriech, tým, že sa nedokážeme narodiť bez vplyvu svojho „časopriestorového“ okolia (mnohé dedíme i geneticky... )“ Sme z jedného cesta, len nerovnako upečenými... aj naše morálne správanie je z jedného cesta, len ho hnetieme na rôzny spôsob a často proti sebe, lebo i takto sme „pripečenými“... nevidíme, že skutočné šťastie nemôže byť budované na nešťastí iných... „...verím, že milovať blížneho je pravdou, verím, že človek je nastavený tak, že svoje šťastie nenájde v hmotných statkoch, ktoré ho skôr zotročujú než by pozitívne napĺňali jeho život... človek dokáže nachádzať samého seba len skrz druhého človeka...“
...písal som Ti v tomto zmysle x-krát a Ty opätovne (koľký raz už... ) nelogicky mi pripisuješ názory, ktoré nemám, dokonca ich dokážeš prekrútiť v opak toho čo tvrdím... opakuješ „Telesný človek neprijíma veci Božieho ducha, lebo sú mu pochabosťou“ hoci som Ti na to už reagoval:
A keďže je to napísané, potom, ako neveriaci, musí mi byť Biblia pochabosťou... tu je téma (jedna z mnohých... ), z ktorej to jednoznačne vyplýva: odkaz
Delenie, škatuľkovanie ľudí, na duchovných a neduchovných... na „my“ a ostatní, ktorí sú menej, sú podradnými, ľuďmi nižšej kategórie... nech už sa za týmto delením skrýva hocijaké učenie, ideológia, názor... pokladám za jedno z najväčších ziel, akých sa človek dopúšťa na človeku... že patríš k takýmto deličom, vôbec nie je veselé...

62. J.Tull 24.06.2015, 16:11

Shagara, Opäť Ti nerozumiem, nechápem z čoho si vychádzal, keď tvrdíš: „Podľa teba a iných, pravda je niečo, čomu ľudia veria v hotovej, nemennej a stopercentnej verzii“? Nič také som nepísal. Písal som presný opak. Zopakujem:
„Vlastnosťou pravdy, respektíve skutočnosti, je jej poznateľnosť... skutočnosť je poznateľná a jej „absolútne poznanie“ je (absolútna) Pravda... človek však nemôže spoznávať skutočnosť v celku, a ako takú ju jednotlivec ani nespozná, ale to neznamená, že sa k nej nemôž...

24.06.2015, 16:15
... zle okopčilo odkaz. Pokúsim sa opraviť: odkaz

62. J.Tull 24.06.2015, 16:11

Shagara, Opäť Ti nerozumiem, nechápem z čoho si vychádzal, keď tvrdíš: „Podľa teba a iných, pravda je niečo, čomu ľudia veria v hotovej, nemennej a stopercentnej verzii“? Nič také som nepísal. Písal som presný opak. Zopakujem:
„Vlastnosťou pravdy, respektíve skutočnosti, je jej poznateľnosť... skutočnosť je poznateľná a jej „absolútne poznanie“ je (absolútna) Pravda... človek však nemôže spoznávať skutočnosť v celku, a ako takú ju jednotlivec ani nespozná, ale to neznamená, že sa k nej nemôž...

24.06.2015, 16:41
Tulík....mám za to,že naozaj si nič také nepísal,ale vychádzal som aj z názorov iných.
A k tomu "deleniu",...nesmeruj to na mňa,ale na Boha. On je pisateľom Biblie. V Písme sú aj silnejšie fakty,ktoré by si neprijal. Teda,tie o "telesných,živočíšnych ľudoch" a "duchovných".
Už som písal. Pravdu ako celok nespoznáme,ale pravdu v zmysle biblickom/norma správania,uctievania Boha/,tak tú musíme spoznať. Aj tam sú jednotlivé pravdy,absolútnymi pravdami. A nie niečim ,čím sa dá vrtieť.
Celá Biblia je dôkazom tvrdenia,že Božie slovo je pravda,a že každý odklon prináša so sebou fatálne následky. A neposudzuj "kresťanstvo" ako také. Z Písme jasne vyplýva,že už po smrti apoštolov nastalo Ježišom predpovedané odpadnutie. 2 Sol.2:3.
Tu je konštatovanie staručkého Jána,...ktorí píše o "poslednej hodine" čistého uctievania....."Deti, je posledná hodina, a tak ako ste počuli, že prichádza antikrist, tak sa teraz mnohí stali antikristami; z toho spoznávame, že je posledná hodina. 19 Vyšli z nás, ale neboli nášho druhu; lebo keby boli bývali nášho druhu, boli by zostali s nami. Ale [odišli], aby sa ukázalo, že všetci nie sú nášho druhu."
Ja aj z tohto jediného textu vidím tu proklamovanú pravdu a jej kontrast,nepravdu.
Dalo by sa o tomto odpadnutí písať veľa. Pavol písal aj o tej "prekážke" odpadnutia. A to boli žijúci apoštolovia. Po ich smrti ,ale už nič nebránilo vzniku "náboženstva druhého rádu",...ako píše Ján a poukazuje na to i Harnack v Dejinách dogmy.
4 storočie,...to už bolo len totálne zavŕšenie tohto predpovedaného odpadnutia.
A sú desiatky textov,ktoré hovoria nadovšetku pochybnosť ,že až v čase konca sa bude očisťovať postupne biblická pravda.
Aby som nehovoril do vetra,...založím o tom tému. Môžeš potom posúdiť. Aj na základe toho spoznáš,ako to je s tou pravdou,nepravdou.
Dnes psychologovia hovoria o totálnom úpadku hodnôt/v zmysle biblického splňania/,a katastrofálnom nedostatku lásky,i tej prirodzenéj/v rodinách/,...a ty stále básniš o nejakej láske. Ja som všetkými prstami za prejavovanie tejto vlastnosti,len mi nehovor ,že sa o to postarajú "neveriaci psy". Tak si sa tušim definoval. Sorry!
Mám doma práce významných psychologov a príklad taký Erich Fromm to vzťahuje všeobecne na vyjadrenia všetkých ,o podotýka ,že "svet sa rúti do kolapsu". Potešila ma i jedna jeho poznámka.že "tomu veria všetci vedci,odborníci...atd",....a že z veriacich iba Jehovovi svedkovia. Môžem to citovať celé,aby som nič nevytrhoval z kontextu. Teda,podla teba,svet od samej lásky je pred totálnym kolapsom! A ja dodávam,....a to len preto,že mu nič nehovorí pravda,na základe ktorej si môže jedine vypestovať pravú,nesebeckú lásku. Howgh

52. Shagara 23.06.2015, 13:10

J.Tull....máš zlú predstavu o pravde. Podla teba a iných,pravda je niečo ,čomu ľudia veria v hotovej,nemennej a stopercentnej verzii. Ale to je utópia a vôbec sa to nezakladá na Písme ani logike. Porozumenie Písiem,proroctiev pribúda postupne. A to,čo sa vytýka JS ,sú len okrajové fakty,....gro biblickej pravdy je už dlho stabilné.
A je pravdou opäť fakt,že v iných náboženstvách sa menia "pravdy" častejšie. Vid RKC. A to sú neomylní a tiež tvrdia ,že oni nič nemenili. A pritom sa menili i do...

24.06.2015, 16:16
Shagara, Súhlasím gro biblickej (a nie je to „len“ biblická... ) pravdy je už dlho stabilné. Je ním milovať budeš blížneho svojho (minimálne... ) ako seba samého, všetko ostatné je druhoradé... máš to priamočiaro, bez akéhokoľvek zapečatenia napísané v Písme... porozumenie Písiem, proroctiev pribúda postupne, ale prikázanie lásky je nemenné, jasne napísané a z neho musí vychádzať všetko ostatné a pokiaľ sa porušuje, ostatné nielenže nemá význam, ale je zlom... napríklad ak odsudzujeme iného, ak ho odmietame, nedokážeme si s ním sadnúť za jeden stôl, označíme ho za nehodného našej spoločnosti... len preto, že on porozumel Písmam inak, potom sme prikázanie lásky porušili... poznanie Boha ako /trojica/*, viera v peklo, nesmrteľnú dušu... sú smietkami, pokiaľ sa nimi neporušuje hlavné a základné a tým je prikázanie lásky... ak toto porušíš „celé tvoje uctievanie je márne“... napríklad nútenie k odmietaniu transplantácii z odôvodnením, že sú kanibalizmom, je porušením tohto prikázania a nie okrajovým faktom...
Neviem koľko katolíkov a koľko protestantov podporovalo Hitlera, dokonca jeho zabíjanie... bolo množstvo katolíkov, protestantov... veriacich, neveriacich... ktorí nielenže nepodporovali, odmietali mu slúžiť i za cenu vlastných životov, ale riskovali svoje životy, aby zachránili blížnych svojich... keď mnohí volili radšej mučenie, než by zradili blížnych svojich (... „Lidé, měl jsem vás rád. Bděte!“... ) podľa Tvojej arogantnej pýchy to však význam nemá, lebo neboli JS... keď kráľ Ašóka začal vo svojej ríši (i mimo nej... ) presadzovať ahimsá („nenásilie“), presadzovať zásady cnostného konania, keď sa začal venovať, na svoju dobu až nevídanej starostlivosti o poddaných... keď formou nenásilného odporu si Indovia vydobyli slobodu... na tisíce podobných historických príkladov... keď katolíci zásadne odmietajú interrupciu... to význam nemá, lebo nie sú JS... keď pápež tvrdí „Ekonomika postavená na uctievaní peňazí, na vojnách, nerovnostiach a nezamestnanosti mládeže nemôže prežiť!“, tak to nie je pravda, lebo to nepovedal JS, ale trinitár...

*Nie je podstatné, či si niekto predstavuje Boha ako trojjediného (lebo takto porozumel Písmu...), alebo verí, že milosti plná panna porodila svojho prvorodeného syna, ktorý bol na počiatku stvorený ako anjel... pretože, podľa mňa, „Božiu podstatu“ nemôže človek spoznať, nemá na to schopnosti.... len v stručnosti – nedokážeme vystúpiť z vesmíru, nedokážeme si dobre predstaviť jeho obrovské rozmery, energie... záhady (čierne diery, tmavú hmotu, energiu...), nechápeme kvantový svet, divy, ktoré skrýva, nevieme čo je čas, priestor... naše zmysly nie sú k tomu nastavené... arogantnou pýchou, pýchou ničotného zrniečka prachu, je tvrdenie, že pozná podstatu Stvoriteľa všetkých vecí... čo by však toto zrnko malo poznať, je pokora a dodržiavať „zákon lásky“ ako najvyššie prikázanie, nad ktorého väčšieho niet...

64. J.Tull 24.06.2015, 16:16

Shagara, Súhlasím gro biblickej (a nie je to „len“ biblická... ) pravdy je už dlho stabilné. Je ním milovať budeš blížneho svojho (minimálne... ) ako seba samého, všetko ostatné je druhoradé... máš to priamočiaro, bez akéhokoľvek zapečatenia napísané v Písme... porozumenie Písiem, proroctiev pribúda postupne, ale prikázanie lásky je nemenné, jasne napísané a z neho musí vychádzať všetko ostatné a pokiaľ sa porušuje, ostatné nielenže nemá význam, ale je zlom... napríklad ak odsudzujeme iného, ak ...

24.06.2015, 17:12
Tulík...."zlá spoločnosť kazí užitočné zvyky.....oddelte sa od hriešnikov,.....nesedávajte pri stole démonov.......vyhýbajte sa neporiadnym,.....atd". Sú desiatky a desiatky takýchto varovaní,a ak na ne nedbáš,nie si ani rozumný a ani kresťan. Byť kresťanom totiž znamená počúvať a poslúchať Boha a konať tak ako nám to úkázal Kristus. Samozrejme,to neznamená ísť do extrému a vyhýbať sa hriešnikom v tomto zmysle. Ved aj Kristus s evanjeliom prichádzal práve k hriešnikom a z času na čas s nimi sedával. Tu treba mať vyrovnaný,rozumný názor. Poznáš to,-"trochu kvasu nakvasí celé cesto". Ved poznáš prípady,ked sa slušne vychovaný chlapec dostal do zlej partie a za pol roka bola zmarená dvadsať ročná výchova jeho rodičov?!
A spomínaš veci úplne od veci! Napríklad pápeža a jeho výroku o "uctievaní peňazí".
Preto sa pýtam,čítal si niečo o Vatikáne,o krachu banky Ambrosiáno a machináciach Vatikánu a ich bohatstve...atd? Nie! Tak potom strielaš naslepo. Aj mne by sa z terasy paláca ľahko hovorili o "peniazoch" a o tom,že v nebi budeme mať všetko,teraz môžme byť aj chudobní!
Nechápeš...ide tu iba o hmatateľné,okaté pokrytectvo tých ,ktorí takmer všetci žijú v prepychových sídlach a topia sa v bohatstve. Vid Zjavenie:...."A žena bola odiata purpurom a šarlátom a ozdobená zlatom a drahokamami a perlami a v ruke mala zlatý pohár......Lebo si stále hovorí v svojom srdci: ‚Sedím ako kráľovná.....lebo v jednej hodine bolo spustošené také veľké bohatstvo!" To bohatstvo je tu opisované ako to,čo vlastnili falošné náboženstvá. Chudobný Kristus,ktorý nemal ani kde hlavu zložiť/"ved aj líšky maju svoj brloh"/ ale učil o inom "bohatstve".
A ty si pletieš kolosálne veci so smietkami. Tvoj názor nezdielam. Ani najmenej. A opakuješ sa!
A k tým "vojakom" ...už je to tu na DF vyhlásenie nejakého biskupa/tuším/ ktorý spomenul ,že okrem svedkov a pár duchovných z iných doniminácií,takmer všetci podporovali Hitlera. Kto o tom niečo čítal,tak vie svoje. Pozri G.Gisévius:"Adolf Hitler I,II"....atd. A tak to bolo takmer vo všetkých vojnách. Pozri moju tému o vojne! Citujem tam viac historikov,kňazov.
A nehovor nič o odmietaní interupcie katolíkmi,lebo si úplne vedľa. A to platí i na protestantov. Alebo to len tí ateisti chodia na potrat? Opak je pravdou. V niektorých krajinách sa tak porušuje aj ten vyšší Boží zákon,ale aj svetský. Kde je to zakázané. Ak chceš vidieť JS "povýšených",...tak prosím. Iste ti bude prijatelnejšia cesta tých,ktorí až tak neberu vážne Božie slovo a Boha.
A nepripisuj mi niečo,čo som nepovedal....."arogantnou pýchou, pýchou ničotného zrniečka prachu, je tvrdenie, že pozná podstatu Stvoriteľa všetkých vecí." To sú tvoje slová,nie moje. Poznať Boha zahŕňa aj to,či je trojjediný,alebo nie/to je pravda/,ale zahŕňa hlavne niečo iné.
A poviem príklad: Ak tvrdíš,že Boh trestá v pekle! Myslíš si,že je to voči nemu niečo láskavé? To je kolosálne hlúposť. To nie je smietka,...ale niečo ,čo mnohým zabránilo veriť v Boha. A čo uráža a dehonestuje Boha. Ták lásku k blížnym preferuješ/robíš správne/ a lásku k Bohu "ignoruješ"? Máš svojskú predstavu lásky a pravdy. Je to predstava neveriaceho a telesného človeka. Sorry...ale je to fakt,ktorý ty nechceš uznať. A je to názor i Biblie. Pre teba je to-"pochabosť". Ver Bohu Biblie!
22.06.2015, 20:50
Shagara...každý kresťan vie,čo znamená evanjelium.Asi si nepochopil,čo som tým chcel povedať.
"Strielaš vedľa Stefan."
To,že na určité otázky neodpovedáš skôr hovorí o tom,že strieľam celkom presne.Či?
22.06.2015, 21:47
Stefan...tak bud konkrétny! Ja viem čo je evanjelium. A to dosť dobre. A ty sa hráš len so slovíčkami. A dobre som pochopil čo si chcel povedať,...to ťa uisťujem! Bolo to tvoje...Fópa,...omyl.

36. Shagara 22.06.2015, 21:47

Stefan...tak bud konkrétny! Ja viem čo je evanjelium. A to dosť dobre. A ty sa hráš len so slovíčkami. A dobre som pochopil čo si chcel povedať,...to ťa uisťujem! Bolo to tvoje...Fópa,...omyl.

23.06.2015, 07:42
"Bolo to tvoje...Fópa,...omyl." >> Asi si myslel faux pas

44. 23.06.2015, 07:42

"Bolo to tvoje...Fópa,...omyl." >> Asi si myslel faux pas

23.06.2015, 12:21
Wolfe,....viem čo som napísal. V Slovenčine sa daný výraz používa aj v tejto forme. Pozri Wikipédiu.

49. Shagara 23.06.2015, 12:21

Wolfe,....viem čo som napísal. V Slovenčine sa daný výraz používa aj v tejto forme. Pozri Wikipédiu.

24.06.2015, 06:05

V hranatych zatvorkach sa zvykne pisat vyslovnost...

55. 24.06.2015, 06:05


V hranatych zatvorkach sa zvykne pisat vyslovnost...

25.06.2015, 08:47
Vyucuje, ale pritom sam nevie... podla vsetkeho je to tak isto aj s bibliou...

55. 24.06.2015, 06:05


V hranatych zatvorkach sa zvykne pisat vyslovnost...

26.06.2015, 07:47
W...viem Wolfe. Ale slovo "fopá" sa píše aj týmto spôsobom ,v danej výslovnosti. Daj si do vyhladávača dané slovo. A dostaneš veľa stránok ,kde sa to takto uvádza. Napr.:"Zažili ste už nejaké poriadné "fopá" v škole? "...a podobne.

68. Shagara 26.06.2015, 07:47

W...viem Wolfe. Ale slovo "fopá" sa píše aj týmto spôsobom ,v danej výslovnosti. Daj si do vyhladávača dané slovo. A dostaneš veľa stránok ,kde sa to takto uvádza. Napr.:"Zažili ste už nejaké poriadné "fopá" v škole? "...a podobne.

26.06.2015, 09:31

Otvorený slovník cudzích slov

Možno ste mali na mysli:
faux pas


alebo co
23.06.2015, 12:46
Boh sa zjavuje na prelomoch tisicroci, ci v casoch, kedy je vsetko uplne v smere do pekiel, kedze ako osobnost zodpovedna za stvorenie sveta prichadza napravat skody a tiez znicit demonov zodpovednych za pachanie ohavnosti.
Je to vzdy. Prichod Krista nie je nic ine len prichod Boha. Ale pochybujem, ze by povedal som Kristus..
Ludia vzdy nasleduju prikladu velkych osobnosti a tak preto ten prichod dalsi a dalsi, aby bolo aky vzor nasledovat.
A koniec koncov nevedomí potrebuju vzdy osobny vzor, ich manipulacie velmi neoslovuju cez duchovnu sferu, tam inklinuju, jak kazdy nevedomý k ducharine a demonskym smerom.
26.06.2015, 11:27
Shagara, budem reagovať narýchlo (do štvrtka som v Prahe ... ). Vyjasnime si pár vecí. Interrupciu som spomínal pretože sa v jej odmietaní zhodnú všetky kresťanské spoločenstvá... Spýtam sa inak. Keď, žena, ktorú opustil muž, žena v nezávideniahodnej životnej situácii, ktorá napriek naliehaniu svojho okolia odmietne interrupciu, lebo tak jej káže jej katolícka viera, tak to nemá význam, lebo vo Vatikánskej banke sú machinácie... nemá to význam, lebo je katolíčka?
Vyjasnime si kto je „duchovný človek“... Duchovný človek pozná „duchovno“. Vie, že všetci, ktorí rovnako tvrdia, že ho poznajú, majú obdobne logické argumenty ako on, sa mýlia, ak nie ešte niečo horšie... Duchovný človek sa chváli, vyhľadáva pozitívne tvrdenia o svojom spoločenstve, aby sa mohol chváliť a kritizuje všetkých, ktorí nesúhlasia s jeho vierou, pričom súdi väčšinou bez kontextu, bez toho, aby, nieže prešiel čo len krôčik v ich topánkach, ale ani sa nesnaží pozrieť, či vôbec nejaké majú... Nik iný nekoná dobro len on, respektíve dobro iných nemá význam... Nepotrebuje poznávať v kontexte mimo svojho duchovna, ignoruje ho... Posudzuje všetko tak, aby vyhovelo jeho poznaniu duchovna, ktoré mu je všetkým. Napríklad vie, že heliocentrizmus je nesprávny biblický pohľad. Biblia nič také neučí. To bol len kompromis RKC a iných,...ktorí pod tlakom verejnej mienky, vedeckej obce cúvli a urobili smiešny, nelogický kompromis! Duchovný človek sa nikdy nemýli (iba ak v okrajových faktoch... )
Na rozdiel od duchovného, telesný človek vie (netvrdím, že všetci... píšem o rozdieloch... ), že duchovno poznať nemôže, lebo je uväznený vo svojej telesnosti. Nechváli sa, lebo nemá veľmi čím. Je predovšetkým človekom. Nie je to však jeho zásluha. Narodil sa ním. Je chybujúcim, omylným... a uvedomuje si to. Ak posudzuje, posudzuje v čo možno najširšom, nielen časovopriestorovom kontexte, pritom si uvedomuje, že nemôže poznať všetko... . Kriticky myslí (duchovný človek nepotrebuje kriticky myslieť a sebakriticky už vôbec nie... ). Nevrtí skutočnosťou (napríklad netrepe: číslo /zomrelých pre nepodanie transfúzie/ je minimálne tak veľké,ako u tých ,čo ju prijali ... ) Posudzuje na základe svojej najširšej skúsenosti... telesný človek nehľadá „Božie kráľovstvo“, tuší, že ak existuje, potom nie je „tamto“, ale je medzi nami a že ho nenávisť, delenie, vytváranie „izolovaností“, múrov medzi človekom a človekom, múrov medzi rôznymi ľudskými spoločnosťami... búra, že budovať sa dá len hľadaním cesty človeka k človeku... telesný človek je cítiacim, mysliacim, vnímavým... tvorom, ktorý v tom druhom, včítane duchovného, vidí rovnako „človečenského“ tvora, ako je on sám...
27.03.2017, 22:05
79,.....pokračovanie koncov sveta:

; Jesus invisible and quiet return to the Earth. (Jehovah's Witnesses, Book: This Means Everlasting Life, page 221) "So A.D. 1914 marks the time of Christ's invisible return in spirit." Explained after they said he would return in 1914


Nov. 1917, rebirth of God's people Israel and awakening of Russia


In 1918, new math didn't help the Jehovah's Witnesses from striking out again.


NO DATE ON BOOKLET early this century, periods after names and sections. Franklin Ferguson of New Zealand Booklet: The Lord is Coming (23rd Ed.) "Our Lord's long-promised Return appears to be at hand....We are not warranted in giving a date...we find the startling truth that everything predicted is now abundantly evident." (inside cover)


The Witnesses had no better luck in 1925. They already possessed the title of most wrong predictions. They would expand upon it in the years to come.


David Davidson wrote a book titled "The Great Pyramid, Its Divine Message". In it, he predicted that the world would end in 1953-AUG.


The Watchtower magazine, quoted (1) a pastor from California, Mihran Ask, as saying in 1957-JAN that "Sometime between April 16 and 23, 1957, Armageddon will sweep the world! Millions of persons will perish in its flames and the land will be scorched.'


Piazzi Smyth, a past astronomer royal of Scotland, wrote a book circa 1860 titled "Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid." It was responsible for spreading the belief in pyramidology throughout the world. This is the belief that secrets are hidden in the dimensions of the great pyramids. He concluded from his research that the millennium would start before the end of 1960.


When the city of Jerusalem was reclaimed by the Jews in 1967, prophecy watchers declared that the "Time of the Gentiles" had come to an end.


This 1970's tract says: "very likely going to happen in the very near future" Ron Reese

Click to View


The late Moses David (formerly David Berg) was the founder of the Christian religious group, The Children of God. He predicted that a comet would hit the earth, probably in the mid 1970's and destroy all life in the United States.


The True Light Church of Christ made its claim to fame by incorrectly forecasting the return of Jesus. A number of church members had quit their livelihoods ahead of the promised advent.


A comet that turned out to be a visual disappointment, nonetheless, compelled one preacher to announce that it would be a sign of the Lord's return.


The Jehovah's Witnesses were back at it in 1975. The failure of the forecast did not affect the growth of the movement. The Watchtower magazine, a major Witness periodical, has over 13 million subscribers.


Armageddon, 1975; Jehovah's Witnesses; (Various publication, cited in Newsweek Oct. 15, 1984)


We all remember the killer bee scare of the late 70's. One prophecy prognosticator linked the bees to Rev 9:3-12. After twenty years of progression and the bees are still in Texas, I'm beginning to think of them as the killer snails.


Sept. 10, 1979; Walter M. Simmons; (Booklet: The Day of the Lord, 1978, The final warning sign: June 28, 1967) "Therefore, adding the 12 years, 75 days to the June 28, 1967 date ends on September 10, 1979." (p. 24).


Lindsey boldly declared that "The Rapture" would occur before Dec. 31, 1981, based on Christian prophesy, astronomy and a dash of ecological fatalism. He pegged the date to Jesus' promised to return to Earth a generation after Israel's rebirth. He also made references to the "Jupiter Effect," a planetary alignment that occurs every 179 years, that would supposedly lead to earthquakes and nuclear plant meltdowns.


Rapture June 28, 1981; Bill Maupin & The Lighthouse Gospel Tract Foundation, Tucson. Figured a miscalculation; changed to Aug. 7, 1981; Return of Christ to occur May 14, 1988; based on Founding State of Israel, May 15, 1948 (Gary DeMar, The Debate Over Christian Reconstruction, Ft. Worth: Dominion Press, 1988.)


It was all going to end in 1982, when the planets lined up and created magnetic forces that would bring Armageddon to the earth.

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"Scientists are forecasting that soon our solar system will experience some unique and sobering events. This forecast concerning 1982 comes from the scientific investigations of astronomers and is in no way related to astrology and fortune telling. The news is quoted from the September 16, 1974 edition of "Newsweek" magazine, science section. These are the conclusions of John Gribbin, science editor of "Nature" magazine, and of Stephen Plagemann of NASA's Goddard Space Center in Maryland. These reputable scientists are pointing out that in the latter part of 1982 there will take place an event unique in our solar system. At that time all nine planets will be on the same side of the sun. That happens once every 179 years, but in 1982 the nine planets will not only be on the same side of the sun, but in perfect alignment. "Newsweek" referred to this situation as "An Apocalyptic Prediction:' In the book that these men have co-authored, "The Jupiter Effect", they point out that, just as the moon affects earth tides by its gravitational pull, so do the planets affect each other, and particularly Jupiter, because of its great size. This has been linked to the earthquake frequency on our planet earth. What will happen when all the planets come into one line and exert a united gravitational pull on our earth? These scientists speak of eight probable effects: 1) A disturbed magnetic activity in the sun, producing huge firestorms; 2) That the ionosphere of earth will be changed; 3) That radio and television communications will be disrupted; 4) That there will be weird lighting effects from aurora borealis; 5) There will be vast changes in wind patterns; 6) Rainfall and temperature patterns will change; 7) Earth's rotation, and the length of the days may change; 8) Many earthquakes will occur. "There will be many earthquakes, large and small... and one region where one of the greatest fault systems lies today, under great strain, long overdue for a giant leap forward, and just waiting for the necessary kick, is California." This is the frightening, apocalyptic vision of the scientists as quoted in "Newsweek." (Evangelical Tract Distributors, Edmonton, Alta., Canada)"


A group called the Tara Centers placed full-page advertisements in many major newspapers for the weekend of April 24-25, 1982, announced: "The Christ is Now Here!" and predicted that he was to make himself known "within the next two months." After the date passed, they said that the delay was only because the "consciousness of the human race was not quite right..." Boy, all these years and we're still not ready.


The Jehovah's Witnesses made sure in 1984 that no one else would be able to top their record of most wrong doomsday predictions. The Witnesses record is currently holding at nine. The years are: 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, and 1984. Lately, the JW's are claiming they're out of the prediction business, but it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. They'll be back.

1984 to 1999:

In 1983, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Guru of the Rajneesh movement predicted massive destruction on earth, including natural disasters and man-made catastrophes. Floods larger than any since Noah, extreme earthquakes, very destructive volcano eruptions, nuclear wars etc. will be experienced. Tokyo, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Bombay will all disappear.


Moses David of The Children of God faith group predicted that the Battle of Armageddon would take place in 1986. Russia would defeat Israel and the United States. A worldwide Communist dictatorship would be established. In 1993, Christ would return to earth.


The Harmonic Convergence planned for Aug. 16-17, 1987, and several New Age events were to occur at that time. The second coming of the serpent god of peace and the Hopi dance awakening were two examples.


The book "88 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1988" came out only a few months before the event was to take place. What little time the book had, it used effectively. By the time Sept 11-13 rolled around, whole churches were caught up in the excitement the book generated. I personally had friends who were measuring themselves for wings. In the dorm where we lived, my friends were also openly confronting all of the unsaved. It became my job to defuse to situations. In one case, an accosted sinner was contemplating dispensary action against my now distant friends. Finally, the days of destiny dawned and then set. No Jesus. The environment was not the same as Miller's 1844 failure. To my surprise, the taunting by the unsaved was very brief. I took it that people have very little understanding of the Bible, so they had nothing to taunt my friends with. I made one other interesting observation. The time for the rapture was a 3 day window from Sept 11 to the 13 - my friends had given up hope on the morning of 12. I pointed out that they still had 2 days left, but they had been spooked nonetheless.


Rapture in Rosh Hashanna Sept. 1988 before Sept 21, Edgar C. Whisenant (Book: 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will be in 1988 (cites Joe Civelli as agreeing with his conclusions)


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ANNOUNCING... "ONE OF THE MOST ASTOUNDING BOOKS OF THE GENERATION." Colin Deal, Author of best-seller. Christ Returns by 1988. "When Your money fails" "This book will prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are in the last moments of time. It is a catalog of fascinating facts. This extraordinary and explosive HANDBOOK OF THE END TIME may well be the means of the preservation of you and your family." Rev. Simon Polar Cameron, Founder/ President, Now Hope Bible College (Faith Acres), Peterhead, Scotland. WORLD WIDE MONEYCARD 666 110 205 419 386 968 Your FINAL CARD and NUMBER Is Ready! Is Assigned! Date U.S. plans to insert MARK on body. The Head/Hand Scan Machines are ready! Learn how YOU and others are NOW using the -666 SYSTEM,- including MASTERCARD, VISA, SEARS, PENNEYS, BELKS, Supermarkets, U.S. Government, European Common Market, Sadat. etc. "This book offers proof that we are in the initial stages of the Final Government System.'' Colin Deal, Author of best-seller. Christ Returns by 1988. "The dollar will be rendered utterly worthless. probably within 3 years." J.F. Smith. The Coming Currency Collapse. "HANDBOOK OF THE END TIME" Rev. Simon Pelar Cameron "THE DOLLAR WILL BE CANCELLED." Willard Cantelon


Return of Christ: May 14, 1988; based on Founding State of Israel, May 15, 1948 Bill Maupin & The Lighthouse Gospel Tract Foundation, Tucson.; Rapture June 28, 1981; Figured a miscalculation; changed to Aug. 7, 1981 (Gary DeMar, The Debate Over Christian Reconstruction, Ft. Worth: Dominion Press, 1988.)


Tribulation begins in 1988; J R Church (Book: Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms, clearly hints that 1988 will be the year.) "Psalms 88-94 seem to describe the future seven years of Jacob's Trouble in chronological order. This is not to say that the Tribulation Period will begin in 1988" (p, 246).


After the passing of the deadline in 88 Reason's, the author, Edgar Whisenaunt, came out with a new book called "89 Reasons why the Rapture is in 1989." This book sold only a fraction of his prior release.


Rapture in Sept. 1989; Edgar C. Whisenant (Book: 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will be in 1988; The Final Shout: Rapture Report 1989) Revised his thinking after it did not happen in 1988; documented in book Soothsayers of the Second Advent, Wm. Alnor


In 1992, David Koresh of the Branch Davidian group in Waco Texas changed the name of their commune from Mt. Carmel to Ranch Apocalypse, because of his belief that the final all-encompassing battle of Armageddon mentioned in the Bible would start at the Branch Davidian compound. They had calculated that the end would occur in 1995. After a 51-day standoff, on 1993-APR-10, 76 members died as a result of a deliberately set fire.


A local group in Australia predicted Jesus would return through the Sydney Harbor at 9:00 am on 31st March, 1991.


Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan proclaimed the Gulf War would to be "the War of Armageddon ... the final War."


Menachem Schneerson, a Russian born rabbi, called for the Messiah to come by Sept 9, 1991, the start of the Jewish New Year.


28 October 1992

Lee Jang Rim: Mission For The Coming Days 28 October 1992

click to view

Lee Jang Rim started a church called, "Mission For The Coming Days" was jailed for two years after embezzling 4.4 million dollars 10,000 of his cult followers. He had used the money to buy bonds that matured after the end of the world! Numerology was the basis for the date. Several camera shots that left ghostly images on pictures was thought to be a supernatural confirmation of the date. The cult looked forward to the Second Coming at 9:00 am on this day. They believed that Jesus would return through Sydney Harbour! They had their prayers and songs. At the fatal hour there was a loud countdown of the final seconds - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, etc. The leaders disappeared after an hour hiding their faces from reporters. One reporter was punched. Some disappointed members committed suicide, probably because they gave all their worldly assets to Lee Jang Rim. Originally from Korea, Australia was the home base, which was abandoned and the phone disconnected for non-payment of the bill.


Oct. 28, 1992, Rapture; Full page ad in USA Today, on Oct. 20, 1991, placed by the Hyoo-go (Rapture) movement. EP News service quoted one sect, "50 million people will die in earthquakes, 50 million from collapsed buildings, 1.4 billion from World War III and 1.4 billion from a separate Armageddon." (99 Reasons Why No One Knows When Christ Will Return, by B J Oropeza, Foreward by Hank Hanegraaff, IVP publishing, 1994)


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"Some argue that nobody will know the coming of Jesus because the Bible says He will come as a thief. However, be alert, for He will come as a thief only to those who live in darkness, not to those who are in the light." The tract then quotes 1 Thessalonians 5;2,4 and Revelation 3:3 as proof for this assertion. Questions: Am I now "in the light" because I now "know" (??) it will be October 1992? Did the Thessalonians know this? What if an atheist read this tract? Ridiculous, isn't it!!! Our anonymous author continues. Jesus "knows and has revealed to thousands already!"


If the year 2000 is the end of the 6000 year cycle, then the rapture must take place in 1993, because you would need 7 years of the tribulation. This was the thinking of a number of prophecy writers.


In the book "1994 the Year of Destiny" F. M. Riley foretold of God's plan to rapture His people. The name of his ministry is The Last Call and he operates out of Missouri.


Pastor John Hinkle of Christ Church Los Angels caused quite a stir when he announced he had received a vision for God that warned of apocalyptic event on June 9th, 1994. Hinkle, quoting God, said, "On Thursday June the 9th, I will rip the evil out of this world." At the time, I knew Hinkle's vision didn't match up with scripture. From a proper reading of Bible prophecy, the only thing that God could possible rip from the earth would be the Christian Church, and I don't think God would refer to the Church as "evil." Some people tried to reinterpret the Hinkle's unscriptural vision to mean that God would the rip evil out of our hearts when he raptured us. Well, the date came and went with no heart surgery or rapture.


Harold Camping in his book "Are You Ready?" predicted the Lord's return in Sept 1994. The book was full of methods that added up Bible numbers up to 1994 as the date of Christ's return.

click to view


After promising themselves they would not make any more end time predictions, the Jehovah's Witnesses fell off the wagon and proclaimed 1994 as the conclusion of an 80 year generation - the year 1914 was the starting point.


John Hinkle On Trinity Broadcasting Network quote: "The most cataclysmic experience that the world has ever known sine the resurrection is going to happen." He said, God said, "On Thursday, June the ninth, I will rip the evil out of this world." TBN's Paul Crouch later said maybe something was happening invisibly. (99 Reasons Why No One Knows When Christ Will Return, by B J Oropeza, Foreward by Hank Hanegraaff, IVP publishing, 1994)


Sept. 15, 1994: Last Day and Return of Christ; Harold Camping; Book: 1994? (pub in 1992) "Last Day and return of Christ sometime on or between September 15, 1994...and September 27, 1994." (p. 531) "I will be surprised if we reach October 1, 1994" (p. 533) Camping hedged his bets though, by offering a back up date of 2011 if 1994 was wrong.


Armageddon Delayed! Jw's

In early November 1995 Jehovah's Witnesses made newspaper headlines around the world. This time it was not a record crowd at a stadium convention or even a controversial blood transfusion case that attracted international attention, but the postponement of the End. One headline read: "Armageddon Not Coming," and the related article stated that Jehovah's Witnesses had announced that "Armageddon [had] been delayed and [that] the end of the world [was] no longer nigh." (Victoria Times-Colonist, Sunday 12 November 1995, p. A2) click here for full details


This had a special month, according to one author. He foresaw the month of Sept as the time for our Lord's return. The Church Age will last 2000 years from the time of Christ's birth in 4 BC.


California psychic Sheldon Nidle predicted the end would come when 16 million space ships converged upon the Earth on Dec. 17, 1996, along with a host of angels. Nidle explained the passing of the date by claiming the angles placed us in a holographic projection to preserve us and give us a second chance.


The book "The Return of Jupiter: End of the world in the light of the Bible" Dorrance Publishing, Pittsburgh PA predicted a disaster starting in the Pacific Ocean: "A terrible earthquake is going to break the oceanic earth crust under the Pacific Ocean by the year 1996 AD


Millennium Begins; Morgan Edwards (Book: Two Academical Exercises on Subjects Bearing the Following Titles: Millennium, and Las-Novelties written between 1742 adn 1744; pub 1788) Millennium to begin 3-1/2 years after the Rapture; (cited by John Bray reading The Life and Works of M Edwards, Thom. McKibbens Jr)


Since 1658, many Christians have accepted the calculations of James Ussher, an Irish archbishop, who estimated that the first day of creation occurred on 4004-OCT-23 BCE. This would make the time interval between the creation of the world and a common estimate of the birth of Christ to be precisely 4000 years. Some people believe that Ussher fudged the data to make it come out neatly. He also estimated that the end of the world would occur exactly 6000 years later, in the fall of 1996.


In regard to 1997, I've received several e-mail messages that pointed to a date when Jesus will return for his church. Two of the more widely known time frames was Monte Judah's FEB/MAR tribulation start and a May 14 rapture which was based on numerology and the Psalms.


When Rabin and Arafat signed their peace pact on the White House lawn on Sept 13, 1993, some saw the events as the begin of tribulation. With signing of the peace agreement Daniel's 1260 day countdown was underway. By Adding 1260 days to Sept, 1993; you get Feb 24, 1997.


Stan Johnson of the Prophecy Club saw a 90 percent chance that the tribulation would start Sept 12, 1997. He bases his conclusion on several end-time signs. The date of September 12 was chosen by Johnson because it will be Jesus' 2000th birthday and it will also be the day of atonement, although not what is currently the Jewish Day of Atonement. Further supporting evidence came from Romanian pastor Dumitru Duduman. In several heavenly visions, Dumitru claimed to had seen the book of life. In one of his earlier visions, there were several pages yet to be completed. In his last vision he noticed the book of life only had one page left. Doing some rough calculating, Johnson and friends figured the latest time frame for the completion of the book of life would have to be September 1997.

1997 or early 1998:

The 1997-JUL-29 issue of the Weekly World News carried a statement by a spokesperson of the International Association of Psychics. 92% of their 120,000 members have had the same "end time" vision. Spokesperson Madame Vredeau predicts: A rise in religious belief. Prophets and saints will appear and lead the faithful to safety The oceans will shrink. Deserts expand. Crops will fail; there will be massive starvation Widespread emotional and mental collapse; increase in crime and violence Changing weather patterns; basic laws of nature will be disrupted Satanic demons will appear in broad daylight. War, pestilence, a worldwide plague Mankind will disappear around the year 2001 CE.


Russian scientist Vladimir Sobolyovhas of the Rerikh Academy has analyzed prophesies made by Russian saints, by Nostradamus etc. (6) He announced his conclusions in1997-SEP: that the earth's axis will suddenly tilt about 30 degrees sometime during the next two years. This will submerge the Scandinavian countries and Britain under water, in what is termed the Armageddon Flood. Siberia will be spared. He expects that aliens will intervene and lead the world into the fourth dimension. Right now, these aliens are on earth, but in hiding. Sobolyovhas said: "If we completely believed in them, we would get lazy. So they are clever. They stay hidden in the fourth dimension and only show themselves from time to time.''


End of World in 1997; Japanese Religious Sect: Aum Shinri Kyo 3000 members; located at base of Mt. Fuji. The words "shinri kyo" mean "supreme truth" and in English it is known as Aum Supreme Truth. Said by ABC News to be radical group; thought to be manufacturing nerve gas ABC World News Tonight, Mar. 21, 1995 Also info from AOL news.


Dan Millar, of Surrey, BC, Canada and Bob Wadsworth of the Biblical Astronomy newsletter are two religious researchers. They are following the age-old tradition of looking for signs in the heavens for the arrival of the Antichrist, return of Christ, etc. Ancient prophecies told of heavenly events and even a cross in the sky in advance of momentous developments. Millar and Wadsworth have predicted the arrival of the Antichrist on APR-10. Dan suggested that we watch news from the Vatican and from Jerusalem on that day, because he expects some sort of coup by the Antichrist. He is expected to come to power in the Vatican as Pope Peter II. One heavenly indicator is the intersection by two comets of the star Algol in the constellation Perseus. Comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp intersected the star on the same date (APR-11) on two adjacent years (Hyakutake in 1996 and Hale-Bopp in 1997). Plotting the two comets' trajectories over the period APR-1 to APR-30 on the two years forms an almost perfect cross. They intersect between the eyes of the Medusa head that Perseus is holding in his left hand. "Algol" means "Demon Star" in Arabic. The head is known as Rosh Satan (the head of Satan) in Hebrew. There will be one further heavenly sign: on the evening of APR-10, there will be a lunar occultation of the star Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus.


The 1997-JUL-29 issue of the Weekly World News reported that the biggest end of the world scare since the Cuban missile crisis was circulating through Washington. President Clinton called a secret meeting with leading Bible scholars for the week of JUL-27. A confidential Pentagon memo sparked the scare; it predicts a worldwide cataclysm of unprecedented proportions. Earthquake activity is on a rise and will peak at year-end; the earth's crust is shifting ominously.


The Vortex of the Star of David religious sect of Luskville, Quebec was quoted (2) as predicting the end of the world on Saturday, MAR-8. A father, Jean Leon Marcoux, was interviewed; he was worried because his children will be visiting their mother at the sect's commune on that weekend. He approached the Quebec police but was unable to get them to take any action. A spokesperson for the sect stated that they do not have a doomsday scenario.


The Sacerdotal Knights of National Security report that "A space alien captured at a UFO landing site in eastern Missouri cracked under interrogation by the CIA and admitted that an extraterrestrial army will attack Earth on November 27 with the express purpose of stripping our planet of every natural resource they can find a use for -- and making slaves of every man, woman and child in the world!"


A Jewish group, called theTemple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement were expected to attempt to place the cornerstone of a new temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This is a small piece of real estate that is the most sacred spot in the world to Jews, and one of the most sacred to Muslims. The Rapture Ready home page has predicted that the "Tribulation" would be triggered by that event. Previous attempts had failed either because of riots, or police action. There was one report that they were going to try to airlift the stone by helicopter this time. On OCT-20, several thousand police officers were deployed throughout Jerusalem; they successfully prevented access to the Temple Mount.


Numerology: Because 666 times three equals 1998 some people point to this years as being a prophetically significant year. I had someone call me long distance just so they could pass on to me this earth shattering news.


A Taiwanese cult operating out of Garland Texas predicted Christ would return on Mar 31 of 1998. The group's leader, Heng-ming Chen, announced God would return, and then invite the cult members aboard a UFO. The group abandoned their second coming prediction when a precursor event failed to take place. The cult's leader said God would appear on every channel 18 of every TV in the world. Maybe God realized at the last minute, the Playboy Network was channel 18 on several cable systems, and he didn't want to have Christians watching a porn channel.


On Apr 30, 1998 - when Israel will be age 50 - The tribulation could start. The reasoning for this date has to do with God's age requirement for priesthood, which is between 30-50.


Marilyn Agee in her book "The End of the Age" has her sights set on May 31, 1998. This date will conclude the 6000 year cycle from the time of Adam. Agee looks for the Rapture to take place on Pentecost also known as the feast of weeks. Another indicator is the fact that the Holy Spirit did not descend upon the until 50 days from Christ's resurrection before descending on the Church. Israel was born in 1948, add the 50 days and you come up with 1998. If this prophecy fails, numerology will mark itself as one of the most unreliable method of foretelling and yet the most repeated. After her May 31 rapture date failed, Agee, lacking the ability to face up to her error, continued her date setting by using various scripture references to pointing to June 7, 14, and 21.


Centro is a very active religious organization, largely centered in the Philippines. They predict that the world will come to an end in 1998. They recommend that their followers retreat to safe places.


The famous psychic Edgar Cayce predicted that a secret, underground chamber would be discovered between the paws of the Great Sphinx. Inside, there will be documents revealing the history of Atlantis. This revelation will trigger the Second Coming of Christ. This prediction is rather interesting, because two independent studies have revealed that there is in fact an underground structure just where Cayce said it would be!


Edgar Casey predicted that the earth would have a new pole during the winter of 1997-1998. Since the earth spins like a gyroscope, this would take an enormous amount of energy to achieve. That amount of energy would cause a massive disruption to the oceans and the earth's crust. That could, in turn, cause very serious, worldwide tidal waves, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.


The Church of the Subgenius predicts that on "X Day", the end of the world will occur. At that time, "the Men from Planet X, or XISTS, will arrive on Earth, close a deal with "Bob," rupture the card-carrying Ordained SubGenii up to the Escape Vessels of the Sex Goddesses, and destroy the remaining population of Earth, VERY VERY SLOWLY." Bob is J.R. Dobbs, leader and High Epopt of the Church of the SubGenius, Living Avatar of Slack, the Saint of Sales. He was responsible for founding the Church on a shifting, sandy beach of hypocrisy."


About 150 followers of a Taiwanese Christian-Buddhist spiritual sect have moved into Garland TX (a suburb in northern Dallas) to await God's arrival. On MAR-25, God is expected to broadcast a commercial on Channel 18 in Garland. He will then be reincarnated into a man on MAR-31 at 10:00 AM, local time. They expect to draw a crowd of about one million who want to be touched by God. Their leader, Hoh-Ming Chen, selected Garland because it sounds like "God land". News reports from Taiwan indicated that the group plans to commit mass suicide if God does not appear. These appear to be unfounded.


The House of Yahweh, Abilene (™) predicts that an end-of-world scenario will start during 1998-OCT. By mid-2001, they predict that 80% of the world's population will have been killed as a result of nuclear warfare.


TV newscaster-turned-psychic Charles Criswell King said in 1968 that the world as we know it will cease to exist on August 18, 1999.


1999 - Sept - 30: Second Coming of Jesus Christ predicted by Kirk Nelson using Edgar Cayce's Predictions in correlation with the Christian Bible.


Hon-Ming Chen has founded God's Salvation Church in Texas. The group believes that a nuclear war will destroy parts of Earth in 1999. They have identified a nine-year old boy as the "Jesus of the East", a reincarnation of Jesus Christ. They believe that if they can link him up with the "Jesus of the West" then 100 million lives will be spared. The second Jesus is supposed to live in Vancouver BC, look like Abraham Lincoln, and have been born in late 1969. Their search was unsuccessful.

1999-AUG-11 etc.:

The WWW site CALENdeRsign® lists a number of astronomical events that will happen as the millennium closes. There has always been an association between such alignments and momentous events in the mind of the public. Starting in late 1999, the following will be observed: 1999-AUG-11: total solar eclipse; visible from Europe 2000-JAN-21: total lunar eclipse; visible in Europe and US 2000-APR: Triple planetary conjunction involving Mars, Jupiter & Saturn 2000-MAY: "Great Conjunction" of Jupiter and Saturn. This also occurred in 7 BCE and is thought by some to be the star that some of the Gospels mentioned as leading the three wise men to Jesus.


According to the 1997-MAY-27 issue of Sun Magazine, the Anti-Christ is alive today and living in the Middle East. On AUG-11, the time of an eclipse of the sun, he will make himself known to the world. "It will be the ultimate war." Many will perish, and their souls will travel to Heaven or Hell, depending upon which side that they supported during the conflict.


According to the latest interpretation of Biblical prophecy by the Branch Davidian sect, 5 months of major torment will begin as the sixth seal is fulfilled.


Sun Magazine listed a prediction of "Bible expert" Dotson Meade. He predicts that "something will happen that brings about the war which will end the world as we know it... There will be a vicious cycle of storms and earthquakes that lead to the final battle the world has awaited." This date was derived from information in the Dead Sea Scrolls.


According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope John XXIII predicted in 1962 that visitors from outer space will arrive in chariots of flaming steel and will share their advanced knowledge with humanity. Our life span will be increased to 150 years or longer. Most diseases will be wiped out.


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The House of Yahweh A former kibbutz worker named Jacob — now Yisrael — Hawkins started the House of Yahweh, a group that prophesies that the end of the world will arrive very soon if the laws of Yahweh set down in the Bible are not universally obeyed, and the temple in Jerusalem not rebuilt to lie side by side with the Dome of the Rock Mosque. Hawkins has about 3,000 followers who believe he will announce the second coming of Jesus before being murdered by Satan. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Concerned Christians This group, whose members were ordered deported from Israel, was started by Monte Kim Miller, who used to run an anti-cult network in Denver. People who know the cult say Miller believes he is the last prophet on Earth before Armageddon. Miller, who reportedly believed he talked to God each morning before he went to work, was said to claim that America was Satan and the government evil. Miller has predicted he will die on the streets of Jerusalem in December 1999 but will rise from the dead three days later. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Sukyo Mahikari A secretive Japanese group said by former members to spread a neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic dogma, it has established itself as a charitable organization in England. A group leaflet says as the year 2000 approaches, "mankind might be annihilated by the baptism of fire." Similar language turned up in Aum Shinrikyo materials. Aum Shinrikyo was the cult famous for the deadly sarin gas attack in Tokyo. A spokesman for Sukyo Mahikiri has denied the cult is linked to Aum Shinrikyo or that it is anti-Semitic. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Elohim City In the Cookson Hills of eastern Oklahoma lies the fortress-town of Elohim City, where about 100 heavily armed inhabitants work, pray and conduct paramilitary drills. A former Mennonite preacher named Robert Millar, 73, who envisions a white Christian nation in North America, runs Elohim City in anticipation of an Asiatic invasion of the United States, an attack he considers inevitable. Millar, inspired by fundamentalist Christianity, KKK-style racism and astrology, believes that Christ has been revealing himself for the last two millennia. He also preaches that a series of disasters is about to strike, probably soon after the year 2000, during which time the unworthy and wicked will be cleansed from the Earth. Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh phoned friends of his in Elohim City before the blast. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Numerology: If you divide 2000 by 3, you will get the devil's number 666.66666666666667.


The names of the people and organizations that have called for the return of Christ, at the turn of the century, is too long to be listed here. I would say that if there is day that Christ cannot come back on, it must be Jan 1, 2000. To come at an unknown time means an unknown time. I think Jan 2, 2000 would be a more likely day for Him to call His Church home - right after the big let down.


On May 5, 2000, all the planets are supposed to be in alignment. This will cause the earth to suffer earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and various other nasty stuff. A similar alignment occurred in 1982 and nothing happened. People fail to realize that the other 9 planets only exert a very tiny gravitation pull on the earth. If you were to add up the gravitational force from the rest of the planets, the total would be only amount to fraction of the tug the moon has on the earth.


Michael Drosnin, author of "The Bible Code," found a hidden message in the Pentateuch (the first five books in the Bible) that predicts that World War III, involving a worldwide atomic [sic] holocaust, will start in 2000 (or perhaps 2006).


Dr. Dale SumburËru looks for March 22, 1997, to be "the date when all the dramatic events leading through the tribulation to the return of Christ should begin" The actual date of Christ's return could be somewhere between July 2000 and Mar 2001. Dr. SumburËru is more general about the time of the Christ's second coming than most writers. He states, "The day the Lord returns is currently unknown because He said [Jesus] these days are cut short and it is not yet clear by how much and in what manner they are cut short. If the above assumptions are not correct, my margin of error would be in weeks, or perhaps months."


Begin of Jesus' reign from Jerusalem; Lester Sumerall; Book: I Predict 2000 AD; "I predict the absolute fullness of man's operation on planet Earth by the year 2000 AD. Then Jesus Christ shall reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years." (99 Reasons Why No One Knows When Christ Will Return, by B J Oropeza, Foreward by Hank Hanegraaff, IVP publishing, 1994)


Rapture; Implied in Hal Lindsay's revision. 1st said 1948+40=1988; Later Israel did not have land until 1967 War; 1967+40=2007; Rapture seven years earlier.


According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope John XXIII predicted in 1962 that Christ would appear in the sky over New York City. He will announce the creation of a 1000-year paradise, to be proceeded by six months of great sorrow.


According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope John XXIII predicted in 1961 that Doomsday will begin with the detonation of an atomic bomb in a major European city by a Libyan terrorist group. This will trigger a massive six-month war that will cause the deaths of millions of people.


William Cooper, head of a militia group in St. John's AZ, predicted that on this date the secret chambers of the Pyramid at Giza will be opened. Its secrets will be revealed and Satan will become a public figure. The American militia will engage in a massive war at this time. This, and the previous prediction, are the only two that we have been able to find which agree on the same day. Of course, it is an obvious date to select, because most people believe that the next millennium begins then. It doesn't; it starts one year later on 2001-JAN-1.


According to Weekly World News of 1997-NOV-18, the CIA has caught a space alien who had crash-landed on JUN-20 in a New Mexico desert. He is from a species that is considerably more developed, both mentally and spiritually, than mankind. He is only survivor of the destruction of his world - a planet some 200 light years from Earth. He reports that God is "furious with His creations everywhere." Apparently none of the species that he created turned out at all well. So, god is systematically working his way across the galaxies, setting fires to the planets and exploding them one by one. Earth will be next!


The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in front of Taurus and the coming back of the Star of Bethlehem like 7.B.C. Some people expect a supernatural event comparable to the birth of Jesus.


Dan Millar, mentioned above, estimates this date as that of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Four events happen on that day, a Thursday. The sidereal day is reset. It is also the Jewish New Year, using the Canaanite calendar that was in use within ancient Israel prior to the Babylonian Captivity. It is the time of the Jewish "Feast of Jubilees" according to a message given by the Virgin Mary to Father Stefan Gobbi. This feast occurs only once every fifty years. This date is also the Autumn Equinox.


Jack Van Impe Ministries sponsors the largest Evangelical Christian program devoted to end-time prophecy. In his home page, he discusses his book "On the Edge of Eternity" in which he predicts that the year 2001 will "usher in international chaos such as we've never seen in our history." He predicts that in 2001, and the years following, the world will experience "drought, war, malaria, and hunger afflicting entire populations throughout the [African] continent...By the year 2001, there will be global chaos." Islam will become much larger than Christianity. (That would take a sudden growth spurt; Islam is currently followed by 19% of the world's population vs 33% for Christianity). A one-world church will emerge; it will be "controlled by demonic hosts." Temple rituals (presumably including animal sacrifice) will resume in Israel.


Because there was no year 0, the true millennium will not start until Jan 1, 2001. Most prophetic watchers still have their sights set on 2000. If the date passes uneventful, I'm sure they'll realize their error and refocus on this year.


Charles Spiegel, a retired psychology professor, preaches from a small town near San Diego CA that the ancient land of Atlantis will emerge from the Caribbean circa 2001 CE. Shortly thereafter, 1000 extra-terrestrials from "Myton" in 33 spaceships will land there and bring new knowledge to humanity.


Beginning of the Millennium, not the end of the world, 1000yrs yet to go. Jack Van Impe; TV show: JVI Presents week of 1-15-1995l; Rather Vague but cites Jewish Catholic and Christians as well as Notradamus


Sun Magazine reported in its 1997-OCT-14 issue that Noah's Ark has been discovered intact in undamaged form on a slope near Mount Ararat in Turkey. Inside were a group of 6 copper-gold-silver scrolls, each 12" square. Scroll 2 reveals that the sun will superheat the earth, melting both polar ice caps, and creating a world-wide flood. Scroll 3 reveals that Doomsday is set for 2001-JAN-31. Good people who repent of their sins will be saved; cruel tyrants will be cast into the burning fires of Hell.


This date for Jesus' return is based upon Psalmology, numerology, the biblical 360 days per year, Jewish holidays, and "Biblical astronomy." To figure out this date you'll need a calculator, a slide rule, and plenty of scratch paper.


Arnie Stanton noted on 1997-SEP-16 that that evening was the fourth Jewish festival since 1996-APR-3 on which a lunar eclipse occurred. (7) He quotes Luke 21:25-26 which mentions "signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of nations" He believes that "these recent lunar eclipses are the last known astronomical signs that will preceed a 7 year (360 day/year) countdown to Armageddon/Christ's return to the Earth." He expects that Christ's return will occur within a few months of 2004-SEP-29 when Asteroid Toutatis will make a very close approach to the Earth - perhaps even a collision!


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A False teacher named Shelby Corbett, of Bradenton, Florida has put up benches throughout town advertising the rapture will happen in 2007! She has little Bible knowledge and is tying to make money selling her book.


End of world; Implied in Hal Lindsay's revision. 1st said 1948+40=1988; Later Israel did not have land until 1967 War; 1967+40=2007; Rapture seven years earlier. Also now says generation from 60-80 yrs. Puts it also at 2040, 2047


Chronological List of Coming End-time Events Falling Within a Ten-year Period and their most likely dates by Marilyn J. Agee

Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church Saints, Bride of Christ, most likely, Pentecost, 1999
Beginning of the Tribulation on Pentecost/Feast of Weeks, Sivan 6, 5761, May 28, 2001
God's two men, the two witnesses Moses and Elijah, begin their 1,260-day ministry
Satan's two men, the Beast and False Prophet, come to power and confirm a 7-year peace treaty
The Beast is made head over World Church and World Government
Mid-Tribulation, 3 1/2 years into the seven, Sunday, Cheshvan 23, Nov. 7, 2004
Satan is cast out of Heaven and down to Earth
The Beast has an incapacitating accident
Satan enters into False Prophet
The False Prophet takes over as head of World Church and World Government
The False Prophet desecrates the Temple, kills Moses and Elijah, who are resurrected and ascend to Heaven
3 1/2 days later
The False Prophet makes war on the saints
The end of this Age Elul 29, 5767, our Sept. 12, 2007
Beginning of the millennial Day of the Lord
Feast of Trumpets, Tishri 1, 5768, our Sept. 13, 2007, the 2,300th day of the Shortened Tribulation, Jesus' birthday
Coronation of Jesus Christ in Heaven
Marriage of the Lamb in Heaven
Pre-Wrath Rapture of Tribulation Saints, remainder of Body of Christ--saved out of a fiery furnace
Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven
Saints in Heaven given rewards for belief, unbelievers on Earth given their just rewards
A binary asteroid impacts at noon, and the dead lay around the Earth
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven
All Israel born in a day, "that day" (the Remnant who will live on into the Millennium)
Israel buries the dead for seven months to cleanse the land
The return of our Lord Jesus Christ with his saints first day of Jewish Regnal Year, Nisan 1, 5768, our Apr. 6, 2008
Passover kept, Saturday Sabbath, Nisan 14, 5768
End of 7 years and of 2nd 1,260 days, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Easter Sunday, Nisan 15, 5768, our Apr. 20, 2008
Judgment of the Nations, dominion taken from Satan, beginning of Armageddon, Satan's last-ditch stand, his army against Christ's forces (Feast of Firstfruits, Monday, Nisan 16, 5768, our Apr. 21, 2008
Armageddon lasts 40 days and 40 nights, ends Friday, Iyar 25, 5768 (our May 30, 2008) anniversary of Christ's ascension in 30 A.D.
Satan chained on Ascension Day
The Beast and False Prophet cast alive into a "lake of fire furning with brimstone" on Ascension Day
True lasting world peace begins Iyar 26, 5768, our May 31, 2008, 10 yrs. after Rapture I
Afterward, the atmospheric heavens and Earth are refreshed, restored, to make Earth habitable again

April 17

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Ronald Weinland travelled to Jerusalem on April 17, 2008. He announced that he and his wife were the two witnesses of Revelation.

Weinland's book: If it doesn't come to pass...starting in April, then I'm nothing but a false prophet...(Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

There's already been six seals opened up...and the world is ignorant of it...The seventh seal they will know though... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

The destruction of the United States, we are the first to suffer...I wouldn't want to be in Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

By the fall of 2011, that's when Jesus Christ returns... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God) (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

A little after April...a dollar bill won't be worth anything...We're going to be brought down the tubes, very quickly, starting in April...What happens when a nuclear weapon goes off in New York and Chicago?... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

If we come to the point in time where what I've said doesn't come to pass, the reality is that I'm just a false prophet. That's the bottom line... The reality is if it doesn't happen, then you're just false...I'll acknowledge my error, my wrong, if I'm wrong... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

By January 2009, we (the United States) will be down the tubes... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)


A deluded follower of "Wacky Weinland" says:

Eager anticipation of just what is going on in terms of bible prophecy etc. Well let me give you an update:

The 1335 days of Daniel 7 started the countdown to the second coming, the sealing of the 144,000 on Feb 2. and Satan's grip on the scattered brethren began to loosen. The 1260 day is April 17th. This will be the blowing of the first trumpet of the last 7. It will be marked by major events. One is probably a nuclear attack on the U.S. which may occur on that day, a bit before or a bit after - but no later tan April 30, the other is an event to take place in Washington when the present Pope will make a speech. At this time Satan will enter him and be in charge of him from then on. A possibility is that this Pope may die soon. April 17 also marks the day that the 2 witnesses will begin to do their work. On April 19 is the Passover and Ronald Weinland will reveal the identity of the other witness. ........As well watch for the probable deaths of the leaders of some of the major offshoots of the WCG- like the UCG, LCG and PCG, not to mention the imminent deaths of many celebrities in the fields of entertainment and sports!........All sounds a bit far-fetched eh! Well time will tell and this month will be over in 30 days. If nothing happens, who knows, I may be looking into your church a bit more deeply. ....

2010 or 2012

"discontinuous event coming -- they peg it to the date 2010 or 2012" Scott Mandelker, who claims to have an ET soul; (from CNI News Vol. 3 No. 13, Part 2, an email newsletter)


Friday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011: Judgment day?
Harold Camping owns 55 radio stations and advertised on 6000 billboards in the USA. After his first prediction of the end of the world failed in 1994, Camping refused to accept his condemnation as a false prophet and is at it a second time!

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Now that Campings 2nd prediction for the end of the world has failed, Camping must attend one of our churches to learn the truth of God in the Bible. He must also sell all his worldly assets, including his radio empire and donate the money to the very churches he ridiculed. After all Camping has been telling everyone to leave every church on earth and listen to him alone. Therefore, the money he got to promote his false doctrine actually came from the treasuries of the churches whose members left the church!

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Reporting live from Jerusalem on May 21, 2011. Our team will be in Jerusalem from May 21 till Pentecost June 8 to report the events as they unfold. We will expose that the problem with Camping and every other date setter, is that they believe the Rapture doctrine, which was invented in 1830 AD by John Darby.

TIMING OF IMPORTANT EVENTS IN HISTORY 11,013 BC—Creation. God created the world and man (Adam and Eve).

4990 BC—The flood of Noah's day (6023 years from creation). All perished in a worldwide flood. Only Noah, his wife, and his 3 sons and their wives survived in the ark.

7 BC—The year Jesus Christ was born (11,006 years from creation).

33 AD—The year Jesus Christ was crucified and the church age began (11,045 years from creation).

1988 AD—The 13,000th year of earth's history. This year ended the church age and began the great tribulation period of 23 years (8400 days).

1994 AD—On September 7th, the first 2300-day period of the great tribulation came to an end and the latter rain began (commencing God's plan to save a great multitude of people outside of the churches).

2011 AD—On May 21st, the rapture will occur at the end of the 8400-day great tribulation. NO ONE will become saved from eternal damnation after Friday, May 21, 2011.

On October 21st, the world will be destroyed by fire.

ONE DAY IS AS 1000 YEARS The child of God has learned from the Bible that the language of Genesis 7 has a twofold meaning: Genesis 7:4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

Historically, as God spoke these words, there were seven days remaining for Noah, his family, and the animals to get into the safety of the ark; but spiritually (and the Bible is a spiritual book), God was speaking to all of the people of the world and was declaring that sinful mankind would have 7000 years to find refuge in the salvation provided by Jesus Christ. How can we know that? We know this is so based on what we read in 2 Peter, chapter 3:

The context of 2 Peter 3 is extremely important! In the first few verses, God refers us to the destruction of the world by the flood during Noah's day. Then we find an interesting admonition that we ought not to be ignorant of one thing, which is, 1 day is as 1000 years, and 1000 years is as 1 day. Immediately following this bit of information is a very vivid description of the end of the present world by fire.

What could God be telling us by identifying 1 day along with 1000 years?

Since we recently have discovered the Biblical calendar of history on the pages of the Bible, we find that the flood of Noah's day occurred in the year 4990 BC. This date is completely accurate (for further information on the Biblical timeline of history, please go to: odkaz It was in the year 4990 BC that God revealed to Noah that there would be yet 7 days until the flood of waters would be upon the earth. Now, if we substitute 1000 years for each one of those 7 days, we get 7000 years. And when we project 7000 years into the future from 4990 BC, we find that it falls on the year 2011 AD.

4990 + 2011 = 7001

Note: When counting from an Old Testament date to a New Testament date, always subtract one year because there is no year zero, resulting in:

4990 + 2011 - 1 = 7000 years exactly.

The year 2011 AD will be the 7000th year from the flood of Noah's day. It will be the end of the length of time given to mankind to find grace in God's sight. This means that the time to find refuge in Christ has grown extremely short. We are only a little ways off from the year 2011 AD!

THE RAPTURE: MAY 21st, 2011

We know that the year 2011 is the 7000th year from the flood. We also know that God will destroy this world in that year. But when in 2011 will this occur?

The answer is amazing. Let's take another look at the flood account in the book of Genesis:

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Faithful to His Word, God did bring the flood 7 days later in the 600th year, on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the calendar aligned with Noah's lifespan. It was on this 17th day of the 2nd month that God shut the door on the ark, securing the safety of its occupants and also sealing the fate of everyone else in the world outside of the ark. They would all now certainly perish in that worldwide catastrophe.

Earlier it was mentioned that the church age came to an end in the year 1988 AD. It so happens that the church age began on the day of Pentecost (May 22nd) in the year 33 AD. Then 1955 years later, the church age came to its conclusion on May 21st, which was the day before Pentecost in 1988.

On May 21st, 1988, God finished using the churches and congregations of the world. The Spirit of God left all churches and Satan, the man of sin, entered into the churches to rule at that point in time. The Bible teaches us that this awful period of judgment upon the churches would last for 23 years. A full 23 years (8400 days exactly) would be from May 21 st, 1988 until May 21st, 2011. This information was discovered in the Bible completely apart from the information regarding the 7000 years from the flood.

Therefore, we see that the full 23-year tribulation period concludes on May 21st, 2011. This date is the exact day that the great tribulation comes to its end, and this is also the most likely landing spot for the 7000 years from the flood of Noah's day.

Keep in mind that God shut the door on the ark on the 17th day of the 2nd month of Noah's calendar. We also find that May 21 st, 2011 is the end of the great tribulation period. There is a strong relationship between the 2nd month and 17th day of Noah's calendar and May 21st, 2011 of our Gregorian calendar. This relationship cannot be readily seen until we discover that there is another calendar to consider, which is the Hebrew (or Biblical) calendar. May 21 st, 2011 happens to be the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Hebrew calendar. By this, God is confirming to us that we have a very correct understanding regarding the 7000-year timeline from the flood. May 21 st, 2011 is the equivalent date to the date when God shut the door on Noah's ark. Through this and much other Biblical information, we find that May 21 st, 2011 will be the day when God takes up into heaven His elect people. May 21st, 2011 will be the day God shuts the door of salvation on the world.

In other words, in having the great tribulation period conclude on a day that identifies with the 17th day of the 2nd month of Noah's calendar, God is without question confirming to us that this is the day He intends to shut forever the door of entry into heaven: The Bible teaches that on May 21st, 2011, only true believers elected by God to receive salvation will be raptured (taken up) out of this world to meet the Lord in the air and forever be with the Lord:

THE END OF THE WORLD: OCTOBER 21st, 2011 By God's grace and tremendous mercy, He is giving us advanced warning as to what He is about to do. May 21st, 2011 will begin this 5-month period of horrible torment for all the inhabitants of the earth. It will be on May 21st that God will raise up all the dead that have ever died from their graves. Earthquakes will ravage the whole world as the earth will no longer conceal its dead (Isaiah 26:21). People who died as saved individuals will experience the resurrection of their bodies and immediately leave this world to forever be with the Lord. Those who died unsaved will be raised up as well, but only to have their lifeless bodies scattered about the face of all the earth. Death will be everywhere.

The Feast of Tabernacles / Ingathering was said to be in the end of the year even though it was observed in the Hebrew 7th month, which is not the end of the year. The reason for this is that the spiritual fulfillment of this particular feast is the end of the world. The date October 21st, 2011 will be the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles and the last day of earth's existence.

On October 21st, 2011, God will completely destroy this creation and all of the people who never experienced the salvation of Jesus Christ along with it. The awful payment for their sinful rebellion against God will be completed by the loss of everlasting life. On October 21st, 2011, all of these poor people will cease to exist from that point forward. How sad that noble man, made in God's image, will die like a beast and perish forever.

From the book: "We Are Almost There" by Harold Camping and Brian Miller D.S.
Grand Rapids, MI

Reporting live from Jerusalem on May 21, 2011. Our team will be in Jerusalem from May 21 till Pentecost June 8 to report the events as they unfold. We will expose that the problem with Camping and every other date setter, is that they believe the Rapture doctrine, which was invented in 1830 AD by John Darby.

Sign up for our live twitter feeds at:

New Age writers cite Mayan and Aztec calendars which predict the end of the age on Dec 21, 2012.


Michael Drosnin, author of "The Bible Code," found a hidden message in the Pentateuch (the first five books in the Bible) that predicts that a comet will crash into the earth in 2012 and annihilate all life.


The Mayan calendar has many divisions of time: months of 20 days, years of 360 days, katun of 7200 days and a baktun of 144,000 days. Their calendar started on 3114-AUG-13 BCE with the birth of Venus. They expected the world to last for exactly 13 baktun cycles. They anticipated the end of the world near the Winter Solstice of 2012. (3)


An article in Weekly World News describes a find by a Professor Lloyd Cunningdale of Salt Lake City who was excavating with his students at the site of the famous Donner party disaster of 1847. The latter were a group of settlers bound for California who became trapped by snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Cunningdale and students have found a time capsule left by the settlers which contains many predictions for the future. They predict that nations will abandon traditional methods of conflict and resort to the use of biological warfare. In 2016, one such disease will spread and kill all of the humans on the planet. (4)


John Denton. (Bible Research & Investigation Co)

Takes the view that both covenants must be of equal time. (problem with this view is that the first covenant started at Sinai. The promises to Abraham are completely separate from the first covenant. Gal 3 and Heb 8)

Abraham called End of 1st Covenant Great Crowd
Out of Babylon Start of 2nd Covenant Called out of
to set up 'Seed' AD 33/34 Babylon the
Contract | Great
1968 BC 1931 BC<-Start of | Maturity of-->1997 2034
| Period | Circumcision | Kingdom | Period |
| called | Covenant | Covenant | Called |
| out | | | out |
|<-37 1/2y>|<-- 1,963 years --->|<---1,963 years----->|<-37 1/2y>|
| | | | |
1968 BC 1931 BC AD 33/34 1997 2034
|<--------- 2,000 years ------->|<-------- 2,000 years --------->|

According to The Church of !BLAIR!, the human race will probably be terminated at 3:28 AM (Soho, England time) 2047, SEP. 14!. The church teaches, with tongue firmly in cheek, that if the human race does not discard their plastic conformity, then the Gods will withdraw their protection. The Gods don't want us to worship them; they don't want sacrifices or even offerings. They just want us to rid itself of our excessive "Normalcy". At that point, Astro-Lemurs (extra-terrestrials similar in shape to lemurs, but with rainbow colored bodies) will attack the entire human race and beat them to death with gigantic burritos. You have been warned. ;-)


Jerry Falwell "In a speech about the concern people have over the new millennium, The Rev. Jerry Falwell said the Antichrist is probably alive today and is a male Jew. Falwell also told about 1,500 people at a conference in Kingsport, Tenn., on Thursday that he believes the second coming of Christ probably will be within 10 years. (Williamsburg, Va., Associated Press, January 15, 1999; Falwell: Antichrist May Be Alive)


Order of the Solar Temple Since 1994, more than 74 members of the Order have committed suicide in Canada, Switzerland and France, leaving behind rumors of gunrunning in Australia and money laundering in Canada and Europe. Whether the group is a cold-blooded hoax that milks its victims of their money and then disposes of them or a more "genuine" suicide cult remains unclear. The Order was founded in 1977 by Luc Jouret, then 30, a Belgian born in Zaire who believed he was a third reincarnation of Jesus Christ and that his daughter Emmanuelle, whom he said was immaculately conceived, was the cosmic child. Although he killed himself, the Order still exists. The cult teaches that life is an illusion and after death followers will be reborn on a planet revolving around the dog star Sirius. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Church of the Final Testament Started in the early 1990s by a former Russian police sergeant named Sergei Torop who was dismissed from the force after he had a series of religious visions, the group holds particular fascination for former Communist Party members. Torop, who took the name Vissarion, rejects prohibitions on suicide. He tells his followers he is Jesus Christ, and looks the part with flowing dark hair and wispy beard. Currently building a "City of the Sun" on Siberia's Mount Sukhaya, the Vissarionites are estimated to be the largest cult-like group in Russia with thousands of followers. Russian politicians have recently warned that the Church members may commit mass suicide as the millennium approaches. (Apocalypse Really Soon:
27.03.2017, 22:09
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Sukyo Mahikari A secretive Japanese group said by former members to spread a neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic dogma, it has established itself as a charitable organization in England. A group leaflet says as the year 2000 approaches, "mankind might be annihilated by the baptism of fire." Similar language turned up in Aum Shinrikyo materials. Aum Shinrikyo was the cult famous for the deadly sarin gas attack in Tokyo. A spokesman for Sukyo Mahikiri has denied the cult is linked to Aum Shinrikyo or that it is anti-Semitic. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Elohim City In the Cookson Hills of eastern Oklahoma lies the fortress-town of Elohim City, where about 100 heavily armed inhabitants work, pray and conduct paramilitary drills. A former Mennonite preacher named Robert Millar, 73, who envisions a white Christian nation in North America, runs Elohim City in anticipation of an Asiatic invasion of the United States, an attack he considers inevitable. Millar, inspired by fundamentalist Christianity, KKK-style racism and astrology, believes that Christ has been revealing himself for the last two millennia. He also preaches that a series of disasters is about to strike, probably soon after the year 2000, during which time the unworthy and wicked will be cleansed from the Earth. Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh phoned friends of his in Elohim City before the blast. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Numerology: If you divide 2000 by 3, you will get the devil's number 666.66666666666667.


The names of the people and organizations that have called for the return of Christ, at the turn of the century, is too long to be listed here. I would say that if there is day that Christ cannot come back on, it must be Jan 1, 2000. To come at an unknown time means an unknown time. I think Jan 2, 2000 would be a more likely day for Him to call His Church home - right after the big let down.


On May 5, 2000, all the planets are supposed to be in alignment. This will cause the earth to suffer earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and various other nasty stuff. A similar alignment occurred in 1982 and nothing happened. People fail to realize that the other 9 planets only exert a very tiny gravitation pull on the earth. If you were to add up the gravitational force from the rest of the planets, the total would be only amount to fraction of the tug the moon has on the earth.


Michael Drosnin, author of "The Bible Code," found a hidden message in the Pentateuch (the first five books in the Bible) that predicts that World War III, involving a worldwide atomic [sic] holocaust, will start in 2000 (or perhaps 2006).


Dr. Dale SumburËru looks for March 22, 1997, to be "the date when all the dramatic events leading through the tribulation to the return of Christ should begin" The actual date of Christ's return could be somewhere between July 2000 and Mar 2001. Dr. SumburËru is more general about the time of the Christ's second coming than most writers. He states, "The day the Lord returns is currently unknown because He said [Jesus] these days are cut short and it is not yet clear by how much and in what manner they are cut short. If the above assumptions are not correct, my margin of error would be in weeks, or perhaps months."


Begin of Jesus' reign from Jerusalem; Lester Sumerall; Book: I Predict 2000 AD; "I predict the absolute fullness of man's operation on planet Earth by the year 2000 AD. Then Jesus Christ shall reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years." (99 Reasons Why No One Knows When Christ Will Return, by B J Oropeza, Foreward by Hank Hanegraaff, IVP publishing, 1994)


Rapture; Implied in Hal Lindsay's revision. 1st said 1948+40=1988; Later Israel did not have land until 1967 War; 1967+40=2007; Rapture seven years earlier.


According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope John XXIII predicted in 1962 that Christ would appear in the sky over New York City. He will announce the creation of a 1000-year paradise, to be proceeded by six months of great sorrow.


According to the 1997-JUN-24 issue of Sun Magazine Pope John XXIII predicted in 1961 that Doomsday will begin with the detonation of an atomic bomb in a major European city by a Libyan terrorist group. This will trigger a massive six-month war that will cause the deaths of millions of people.


William Cooper, head of a militia group in St. John's AZ, predicted that on this date the secret chambers of the Pyramid at Giza will be opened. Its secrets will be revealed and Satan will become a public figure. The American militia will engage in a massive war at this time. This, and the previous prediction, are the only two that we have been able to find which agree on the same day. Of course, it is an obvious date to select, because most people believe that the next millennium begins then. It doesn't; it starts one year later on 2001-JAN-1.


According to Weekly World News of 1997-NOV-18, the CIA has caught a space alien who had crash-landed on JUN-20 in a New Mexico desert. He is from a species that is considerably more developed, both mentally and spiritually, than mankind. He is only survivor of the destruction of his world - a planet some 200 light years from Earth. He reports that God is "furious with His creations everywhere." Apparently none of the species that he created turned out at all well. So, god is systematically working his way across the galaxies, setting fires to the planets and exploding them one by one. Earth will be next!


The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in front of Taurus and the coming back of the Star of Bethlehem like 7.B.C. Some people expect a supernatural event comparable to the birth of Jesus.


Dan Millar, mentioned above, estimates this date as that of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Four events happen on that day, a Thursday. The sidereal day is reset. It is also the Jewish New Year, using the Canaanite calendar that was in use within ancient Israel prior to the Babylonian Captivity. It is the time of the Jewish "Feast of Jubilees" according to a message given by the Virgin Mary to Father Stefan Gobbi. This feast occurs only once every fifty years. This date is also the Autumn Equinox.


Jack Van Impe Ministries sponsors the largest Evangelical Christian program devoted to end-time prophecy. In his home page, he discusses his book "On the Edge of Eternity" in which he predicts that the year 2001 will "usher in international chaos such as we've never seen in our history." He predicts that in 2001, and the years following, the world will experience "drought, war, malaria, and hunger afflicting entire populations throughout the [African] continent...By the year 2001, there will be global chaos." Islam will become much larger than Christianity. (That would take a sudden growth spurt; Islam is currently followed by 19% of the world's population vs 33% for Christianity). A one-world church will emerge; it will be "controlled by demonic hosts." Temple rituals (presumably including animal sacrifice) will resume in Israel.


Because there was no year 0, the true millennium will not start until Jan 1, 2001. Most prophetic watchers still have their sights set on 2000. If the date passes uneventful, I'm sure they'll realize their error and refocus on this year.


Charles Spiegel, a retired psychology professor, preaches from a small town near San Diego CA that the ancient land of Atlantis will emerge from the Caribbean circa 2001 CE. Shortly thereafter, 1000 extra-terrestrials from "Myton" in 33 spaceships will land there and bring new knowledge to humanity.


Beginning of the Millennium, not the end of the world, 1000yrs yet to go. Jack Van Impe; TV show: JVI Presents week of 1-15-1995l; Rather Vague but cites Jewish Catholic and Christians as well as Notradamus


Sun Magazine reported in its 1997-OCT-14 issue that Noah's Ark has been discovered intact in undamaged form on a slope near Mount Ararat in Turkey. Inside were a group of 6 copper-gold-silver scrolls, each 12" square. Scroll 2 reveals that the sun will superheat the earth, melting both polar ice caps, and creating a world-wide flood. Scroll 3 reveals that Doomsday is set for 2001-JAN-31. Good people who repent of their sins will be saved; cruel tyrants will be cast into the burning fires of Hell.


This date for Jesus' return is based upon Psalmology, numerology, the biblical 360 days per year, Jewish holidays, and "Biblical astronomy." To figure out this date you'll need a calculator, a slide rule, and plenty of scratch paper.


Arnie Stanton noted on 1997-SEP-16 that that evening was the fourth Jewish festival since 1996-APR-3 on which a lunar eclipse occurred. (7) He quotes Luke 21:25-26 which mentions "signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of nations" He believes that "these recent lunar eclipses are the last known astronomical signs that will preceed a 7 year (360 day/year) countdown to Armageddon/Christ's return to the Earth." He expects that Christ's return will occur within a few months of 2004-SEP-29 when Asteroid Toutatis will make a very close approach to the Earth - perhaps even a collision!


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A False teacher named Shelby Corbett, of Bradenton, Florida has put up benches throughout town advertising the rapture will happen in 2007! She has little Bible knowledge and is tying to make money selling her book.


End of world; Implied in Hal Lindsay's revision. 1st said 1948+40=1988; Later Israel did not have land until 1967 War; 1967+40=2007; Rapture seven years earlier. Also now says generation from 60-80 yrs. Puts it also at 2040, 2047


Chronological List of Coming End-time Events Falling Within a Ten-year Period and their most likely dates by Marilyn J. Agee

Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church Saints, Bride of Christ, most likely, Pentecost, 1999
Beginning of the Tribulation on Pentecost/Feast of Weeks, Sivan 6, 5761, May 28, 2001
God's two men, the two witnesses Moses and Elijah, begin their 1,260-day ministry
Satan's two men, the Beast and False Prophet, come to power and confirm a 7-year peace treaty
The Beast is made head over World Church and World Government
Mid-Tribulation, 3 1/2 years into the seven, Sunday, Cheshvan 23, Nov. 7, 2004
Satan is cast out of Heaven and down to Earth
The Beast has an incapacitating accident
Satan enters into False Prophet
The False Prophet takes over as head of World Church and World Government
The False Prophet desecrates the Temple, kills Moses and Elijah, who are resurrected and ascend to Heaven
3 1/2 days later
The False Prophet makes war on the saints
The end of this Age Elul 29, 5767, our Sept. 12, 2007
Beginning of the millennial Day of the Lord
Feast of Trumpets, Tishri 1, 5768, our Sept. 13, 2007, the 2,300th day of the Shortened Tribulation, Jesus' birthday
Coronation of Jesus Christ in Heaven
Marriage of the Lamb in Heaven
Pre-Wrath Rapture of Tribulation Saints, remainder of Body of Christ--saved out of a fiery furnace
Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven
Saints in Heaven given rewards for belief, unbelievers on Earth given their just rewards
A binary asteroid impacts at noon, and the dead lay around the Earth
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven
All Israel born in a day, "that day" (the Remnant who will live on into the Millennium)
Israel buries the dead for seven months to cleanse the land
The return of our Lord Jesus Christ with his saints first day of Jewish Regnal Year, Nisan 1, 5768, our Apr. 6, 2008
Passover kept, Saturday Sabbath, Nisan 14, 5768
End of 7 years and of 2nd 1,260 days, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Easter Sunday, Nisan 15, 5768, our Apr. 20, 2008
Judgment of the Nations, dominion taken from Satan, beginning of Armageddon, Satan's last-ditch stand, his army against Christ's forces (Feast of Firstfruits, Monday, Nisan 16, 5768, our Apr. 21, 2008
Armageddon lasts 40 days and 40 nights, ends Friday, Iyar 25, 5768 (our May 30, 2008) anniversary of Christ's ascension in 30 A.D.
Satan chained on Ascension Day
The Beast and False Prophet cast alive into a "lake of fire furning with brimstone" on Ascension Day
True lasting world peace begins Iyar 26, 5768, our May 31, 2008, 10 yrs. after Rapture I
Afterward, the atmospheric heavens and Earth are refreshed, restored, to make Earth habitable again

April 17

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Ronald Weinland travelled to Jerusalem on April 17, 2008. He announced that he and his wife were the two witnesses of Revelation.

Weinland's book: If it doesn't come to pass...starting in April, then I'm nothing but a false prophet...(Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

There's already been six seals opened up...and the world is ignorant of it...The seventh seal they will know though... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

The destruction of the United States, we are the first to suffer...I wouldn't want to be in Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

By the fall of 2011, that's when Jesus Christ returns... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God) (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

A little after April...a dollar bill won't be worth anything...We're going to be brought down the tubes, very quickly, starting in April...What happens when a nuclear weapon goes off in New York and Chicago?... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

If we come to the point in time where what I've said doesn't come to pass, the reality is that I'm just a false prophet. That's the bottom line... The reality is if it doesn't happen, then you're just false...I'll acknowledge my error, my wrong, if I'm wrong... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)

By January 2009, we (the United States) will be down the tubes... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final Witness, Church of God)


A deluded follower of "Wacky Weinland" says:

Eager anticipation of just what is going on in terms of bible prophecy etc. Well let me give you an update:

The 1335 days of Daniel 7 started the countdown to the second coming, the sealing of the 144,000 on Feb 2. and Satan's grip on the scattered brethren began to loosen. The 1260 day is April 17th. This will be the blowing of the first trumpet of the last 7. It will be marked by major events. One is probably a nuclear attack on the U.S. which may occur on that day, a bit before or a bit after - but no later tan April 30, the other is an event to take place in Washington when the present Pope will make a speech. At this time Satan will enter him and be in charge of him from then on. A possibility is that this Pope may die soon. April 17 also marks the day that the 2 witnesses will begin to do their work. On April 19 is the Passover and Ronald Weinland will reveal the identity of the other witness. ........As well watch for the probable deaths of the leaders of some of the major offshoots of the WCG- like the UCG, LCG and PCG, not to mention the imminent deaths of many celebrities in the fields of entertainment and sports!........All sounds a bit far-fetched eh! Well time will tell and this month will be over in 30 days. If nothing happens, who knows, I may be looking into your church a bit more deeply. ....

2010 or 2012

"discontinuous event coming -- they peg it to the date 2010 or 2012" Scott Mandelker, who claims to have an ET soul; (from CNI News Vol. 3 No. 13, Part 2, an email newsletter)


Friday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011: Judgment day?
Harold Camping owns 55 radio stations and advertised on 6000 billboards in the USA. After his first prediction of the end of the world failed in 1994, Camping refused to accept his condemnation as a false prophet and is at it a second time!

click to view

Now that Campings 2nd prediction for the end of the world has failed, Camping must attend one of our churches to learn the truth of God in the Bible. He must also sell all his worldly assets, including his radio empire and donate the money to the very churches he ridiculed. After all Camping has been telling everyone to leave every church on earth and listen to him alone. Therefore, the money he got to promote his false doctrine actually came from the treasuries of the churches whose members left the church!

click to view

Reporting live from Jerusalem on May 21, 2011. Our team will be in Jerusalem from May 21 till Pentecost June 8 to report the events as they unfold. We will expose that the problem with Camping and every other date setter, is that they believe the Rapture doctrine, which was invented in 1830 AD by John Darby.

TIMING OF IMPORTANT EVENTS IN HISTORY 11,013 BC—Creation. God created the world and man (Adam and Eve).

4990 BC—The flood of Noah's day (6023 years from creation). All perished in a worldwide flood. Only Noah, his wife, and his 3 sons and their wives survived in the ark.

7 BC—The year Jesus Christ was born (11,006 years from creation).

33 AD—The year Jesus Christ was crucified and the church age began (11,045 years from creation).

1988 AD—The 13,000th year of earth's history. This year ended the church age and began the great tribulation period of 23 years (8400 days).

1994 AD—On September 7th, the first 2300-day period of the great tribulation came to an end and the latter rain began (commencing God's plan to save a great multitude of people outside of the churches).

2011 AD—On May 21st, the rapture will occur at the end of the 8400-day great tribulation. NO ONE will become saved from eternal damnation after Friday, May 21, 2011.

On October 21st, the world will be destroyed by fire.

ONE DAY IS AS 1000 YEARS The child of God has learned from the Bible that the language of Genesis 7 has a twofold meaning: Genesis 7:4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

Historically, as God spoke these words, there were seven days remaining for Noah, his family, and the animals to get into the safety of the ark; but spiritually (and the Bible is a spiritual book), God was speaking to all of the people of the world and was declaring that sinful mankind would have 7000 years to find refuge in the salvation provided by Jesus Christ. How can we know that? We know this is so based on what we read in 2 Peter, chapter 3:

The context of 2 Peter 3 is extremely important! In the first few verses, God refers us to the destruction of the world by the flood during Noah's day. Then we find an interesting admonition that we ought not to be ignorant of one thing, which is, 1 day is as 1000 years, and 1000 years is as 1 day. Immediately following this bit of information is a very vivid description of the end of the present world by fire.

What could God be telling us by identifying 1 day along with 1000 years?

Since we recently have discovered the Biblical calendar of history on the pages of the Bible, we find that the flood of Noah's day occurred in the year 4990 BC. This date is completely accurate (for further information on the Biblical timeline of history, please go to: odkaz It was in the year 4990 BC that God revealed to Noah that there would be yet 7 days until the flood of waters would be upon the earth. Now, if we substitute 1000 years for each one of those 7 days, we get 7000 years. And when we project 7000 years into the future from 4990 BC, we find that it falls on the year 2011 AD.

4990 + 2011 = 7001

Note: When counting from an Old Testament date to a New Testament date, always subtract one year because there is no year zero, resulting in:

4990 + 2011 - 1 = 7000 years exactly.

The year 2011 AD will be the 7000th year from the flood of Noah's day. It will be the end of the length of time given to mankind to find grace in God's sight. This means that the time to find refuge in Christ has grown extremely short. We are only a little ways off from the year 2011 AD!

THE RAPTURE: MAY 21st, 2011

We know that the year 2011 is the 7000th year from the flood. We also know that God will destroy this world in that year. But when in 2011 will this occur?

The answer is amazing. Let's take another look at the flood account in the book of Genesis:

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Faithful to His Word, God did bring the flood 7 days later in the 600th year, on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the calendar aligned with Noah's lifespan. It was on this 17th day of the 2nd month that God shut the door on the ark, securing the safety of its occupants and also sealing the fate of everyone else in the world outside of the ark. They would all now certainly perish in that worldwide catastrophe.

Earlier it was mentioned that the church age came to an end in the year 1988 AD. It so happens that the church age began on the day of Pentecost (May 22nd) in the year 33 AD. Then 1955 years later, the church age came to its conclusion on May 21st, which was the day before Pentecost in 1988.

On May 21st, 1988, God finished using the churches and congregations of the world. The Spirit of God left all churches and Satan, the man of sin, entered into the churches to rule at that point in time. The Bible teaches us that this awful period of judgment upon the churches would last for 23 years. A full 23 years (8400 days exactly) would be from May 21 st, 1988 until May 21st, 2011. This information was discovered in the Bible completely apart from the information regarding the 7000 years from the flood.

Therefore, we see that the full 23-year tribulation period concludes on May 21st, 2011. This date is the exact day that the great tribulation comes to its end, and this is also the most likely landing spot for the 7000 years from the flood of Noah's day.

Keep in mind that God shut the door on the ark on the 17th day of the 2nd month of Noah's calendar. We also find that May 21 st, 2011 is the end of the great tribulation period. There is a strong relationship between the 2nd month and 17th day of Noah's calendar and May 21st, 2011 of our Gregorian calendar. This relationship cannot be readily seen until we discover that there is another calendar to consider, which is the Hebrew (or Biblical) calendar. May 21 st, 2011 happens to be the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Hebrew calendar. By this, God is confirming to us that we have a very correct understanding regarding the 7000-year timeline from the flood. May 21 st, 2011 is the equivalent date to the date when God shut the door on Noah's ark. Through this and much other Biblical information, we find that May 21 st, 2011 will be the day when God takes up into heaven His elect people. May 21st, 2011 will be the day God shuts the door of salvation on the world.

In other words, in having the great tribulation period conclude on a day that identifies with the 17th day of the 2nd month of Noah's calendar, God is without question confirming to us that this is the day He intends to shut forever the door of entry into heaven: The Bible teaches that on May 21st, 2011, only true believers elected by God to receive salvation will be raptured (taken up) out of this world to meet the Lord in the air and forever be with the Lord:

THE END OF THE WORLD: OCTOBER 21st, 2011 By God's grace and tremendous mercy, He is giving us advanced warning as to what He is about to do. May 21st, 2011 will begin this 5-month period of horrible torment for all the inhabitants of the earth. It will be on May 21st that God will raise up all the dead that have ever died from their graves. Earthquakes will ravage the whole world as the earth will no longer conceal its dead (Isaiah 26:21). People who died as saved individuals will experience the resurrection of their bodies and immediately leave this world to forever be with the Lord. Those who died unsaved will be raised up as well, but only to have their lifeless bodies scattered about the face of all the earth. Death will be everywhere.

The Feast of Tabernacles / Ingathering was said to be in the end of the year even though it was observed in the Hebrew 7th month, which is not the end of the year. The reason for this is that the spiritual fulfillment of this particular feast is the end of the world. The date October 21st, 2011 will be the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles and the last day of earth's existence.

On October 21st, 2011, God will completely destroy this creation and all of the people who never experienced the salvation of Jesus Christ along with it. The awful payment for their sinful rebellion against God will be completed by the loss of everlasting life. On October 21st, 2011, all of these poor people will cease to exist from that point forward. How sad that noble man, made in God's image, will die like a beast and perish forever.

From the book: "We Are Almost There" by Harold Camping and Brian Miller D.S.
Grand Rapids, MI

Reporting live from Jerusalem on May 21, 2011. Our team will be in Jerusalem from May 21 till Pentecost June 8 to report the events as they unfold. We will expose that the problem with Camping and every other date setter, is that they believe the Rapture doctrine, which was invented in 1830 AD by John Darby.

Sign up for our live twitter feeds at:

New Age writers cite Mayan and Aztec calendars which predict the end of the age on Dec 21, 2012.


Michael Drosnin, author of "The Bible Code," found a hidden message in the Pentateuch (the first five books in the Bible) that predicts that a comet will crash into the earth in 2012 and annihilate all life.


The Mayan calendar has many divisions of time: months of 20 days, years of 360 days, katun of 7200 days and a baktun of 144,000 days. Their calendar started on 3114-AUG-13 BCE with the birth of Venus. They expected the world to last for exactly 13 baktun cycles. They anticipated the end of the world near the Winter Solstice of 2012. (3)


An article in Weekly World News describes a find by a Professor Lloyd Cunningdale of Salt Lake City who was excavating with his students at the site of the famous Donner party disaster of 1847. The latter were a group of settlers bound for California who became trapped by snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Cunningdale and students have found a time capsule left by the settlers which contains many predictions for the future. They predict that nations will abandon traditional methods of conflict and resort to the use of biological warfare. In 2016, one such disease will spread and kill all of the humans on the planet. (4)


John Denton. (Bible Research & Investigation Co)

Takes the view that both covenants must be of equal time. (problem with this view is that the first covenant started at Sinai. The promises to Abraham are completely separate from the first covenant. Gal 3 and Heb 8)

Abraham called End of 1st Covenant Great Crowd
Out of Babylon Start of 2nd Covenant Called out of
to set up 'Seed' AD 33/34 Babylon the
Contract | Great
1968 BC 1931 BC<-Start of | Maturity of-->1997 2034
| Period | Circumcision | Kingdom | Period |
| called | Covenant | Covenant | Called |
| out | | | out |
|<-37 1/2y>|<-- 1,963 years --->|<---1,963 years----->|<-37 1/2y>|
| | | | |
1968 BC 1931 BC AD 33/34 1997 2034
|<--------- 2,000 years ------->|<-------- 2,000 years --------->|

According to The Church of !BLAIR!, the human race will probably be terminated at 3:28 AM (Soho, England time) 2047, SEP. 14!. The church teaches, with tongue firmly in cheek, that if the human race does not discard their plastic conformity, then the Gods will withdraw their protection. The Gods don't want us to worship them; they don't want sacrifices or even offerings. They just want us to rid itself of our excessive "Normalcy". At that point, Astro-Lemurs (extra-terrestrials similar in shape to lemurs, but with rainbow colored bodies) will attack the entire human race and beat them to death with gigantic burritos. You have been warned. ;-)


Jerry Falwell "In a speech about the concern people have over the new , The Rev. Jerry Falwell said the Antichrist is probably alive today and is a male Jew. Falwell also told about 1,500 people at a conference in Kingsport, Tenn., on Thursday that he believes the second coming of Christ probably will be within 10 years. (Williamsburg, Va., Associated Press, January 15, 1999; Falwell: Antichrist May Be Alive)


Order of the Solar Temple Since 1994, more than 74 members of the Order have committed suicide in Canada, Switzerland and France, leaving behind rumors of gunrunning in Australia and money laundering in Canada and Europe. Whether the group is a cold-blooded hoax that milks its victims of their money and then disposes of them or a more "genuine" suicide cult remains unclear. The Order was founded in 1977 by Luc Jouret, then 30, a Belgian born in Zaire who believed he was a third reincarnation of Jesus Christ and that his daughter Emmanuelle, whom he said was immaculately conceived, was the cosmic child. Although he killed himself, the Order still exists. The cult teaches that life is an illusion and after death followers will be reborn on a planet revolving around the dog star Sirius. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Church of the Final Testament Started in the early 1990s by a former Russian police sergeant named Sergei Torop who was dismissed from the force after he had a series of religious visions, the group holds particular fascination for former Communist Party members. Torop, who took the name Vissarion, rejects prohibitions on suicide. He tells his followers he is Jesus Christ, and looks the part with flowing dark hair and wispy beard. Currently building a "City of the Sun" on Siberia's Mount Sukhaya, the Vissarionites are estimated to be the largest cult-like group in Russia with thousands of followers. Russian politicians have recently warned that the Church members may commit mass suicide as the millennium approaches. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)


Outer Dimensional Forces: Founded by the reclusive Orville T. Gordon, 90, the ODF believes that the United States is in for trouble. Gordon, or Nodrog as he is known, explained in an interview that the CIA attacked the ODF 20 years ago, and the group's heavenly allies will flood the United States very soon, whisking the ODF faithful safely away from their fenced-off Texas compound. (Apocalypse Really Soon: ABC news, Jan 5, 1999)

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