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Utok na Egypt?

tému vytvoril(a) 17.11.2015 22:18 dorota
posledná zmena 18.11.2015 16:46
17.11.2015, 22:18
nasla som prepis rozhovoru kde sa zaoberaju utokom na lietadlo v egypte ktr letelo do ruska, a zaujal ma novy pohlad ze neslo o utok na rusko, koli jeho utokom na isis, ale utok na egypt. je tzo sic v rovine uvah...

SCHMEMANN: And then just to follow up, Steven, Graeme suggested that this possible attack might have been targeted at Egypt, in fact, and perhaps not at Russia. I wonder what you think about that. Or do you think that this could have just been an opportunity? Or was Egypt, in fact, possibly a real target here?

COOK: Oh, I certainly agree that it’s more likely that Egypt was the target here than Russia. If you think about the strategy that the Islamic State has pursued more broadly, this runs counter to that. But of course, who we think might have kind of carried it out is the Sinai Province of the Islamic State, and it’s unclear to me—perhaps Graeme knows this; I’m sure he does—the extent to which there is coordination between the Islamic State and the Sinai Province. But the Sinai Province has been around in one form or another for much longer and been confronting the Egyptian state longer than the Islamic State has been taking over territory in Syria and Iraq and carrying out operations in other parts of the country. It’s clear that the Egyptians are confronting a nasty insurgency from a number of different directions, and this Sinai Province, you know, it has declared its fealty to the Islamic State, perhaps out of convenience, out of branding, out of whatever, but have entirely different tactics from the Islamic State. There’s every reason to believe that Egypt was the target given the fact that this insurgency has been going on now for a number of years and it’s a dirty little war that is happening in the Sinai Peninsula, and this was just the Sinai Province’s way of upping the ante as well as demonstrating to the international community that everything that Sisi said when he came to power—which is that he could bring stability to Egypt, that he could bring economic prosperity to Egypt—that none of this is actually going to happen.


1. dorota 17.11.2015, 22:18

nasla som prepis rozhovoru kde sa zaoberaju utokom na lietadlo v egypte ktr letelo do ruska, a zaujal ma novy pohlad ze neslo o utok na rusko, koli jeho utokom na isis, ale utok na egypt. je tzo sic v rovine uvah...

SCHMEMANN: And then just to follow up, Steven, Graeme suggested that this possible attack might have been targeted at Egypt, in fact, and perhaps not at Russia. I wonder what you think about that. Or do you think that this could have just been an opportunity? Or was Egypt, i...

18.11.2015, 16:46
A po mongolský by to nemohlo byť?

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