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Pohľadnica zo Slovenska

tému vytvoril(a) 4.2.2016 11:04
posledná zmena 5.2.2016 10:13
04.02.2016, 11:04

I want to collect postcards from various Slovak cities, towns and villages. Basic touristic cards, with a town view or a landmark. In return, I can send cards from St. Petersburg, Russia.

If you can help by sending me a postcard, please send me a message to russianspy@narod.ru, and I'll reply with my address. I also don't mind sending a card first and wait for you to receive it. So far I only have a card from Rožňava.

Thanks : )

1. 04.02.2016, 11:04


I want to collect postcards from various Slovak cities, towns and villages. Basic touristic cards, with a town view or a landmark. In return, I can send cards from St. Petersburg, Russia.

If you can help by sending me a postcard, please send me a message to russianspy@narod.ru, and I'll reply with my address. I also don't mind sending a card first and wait for you to receive it. So far I only have a card from Rožňava.

Thanks : )

04.02.2016, 14:00
Register to the odkaz a look for Slovak people whose have enabled direct swap..
You can then write postcards each others...

You can also "exchange" postcards with whoever from wherever...

7. 04.02.2016, 14:00

Register to the https://www.postcrossing.com/ a look for Slovak people whose have enabled direct swap..
You can then write postcards each others...

You can also "exchange" postcards with whoever from wherever...

04.02.2016, 16:19
I'm there for a year now. But I also exchange outside of PC. Are you a member?

8. 04.02.2016, 16:19

I'm there for a year now. But I also exchange outside of PC. Are you a member?

05.02.2016, 08:06
Wow, great. Yes. I was a member few years, but I was inactictive..
Before some months I reregistered, most poscards I get is from USA, Russia, Lithuania (funny two from the same city in the same batch), Belarus, Germany, Netherlands, but I also got from Ireland, UK, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, China, Japan, Thaiwan, Thailand, Czech rep. and Italy.. (maybe I missed some)
I've got 32 postcards till now..

I just tried to find you.. Are you from St. Petersburg, Russia?

Heh Languages: Russian, English, understand Slovak << So why do we talk english?

9. 05.02.2016, 08:06

Wow, great. Yes. I was a member few years, but I was inactictive..
Before some months I reregistered, most poscards I get is from USA, Russia, Lithuania (funny two from the same city in the same batch), Belarus, Germany, Netherlands, but I also got from Ireland, UK, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, China, Japan, Thaiwan, Thailand, Czech rep. and Italy.. (maybe I missed some)
I've got 32 postcards till now..

I just tried to find you.. Are you from St. Petersburg, Russia?

Heh ...

05.02.2016, 09:38
weeeeeell ... citam po Slovensky, ale ne pishem, a ne hovorim :( ucil som sa Slovencinu desat' rokov spat' ( <- this must be wrong, lol ).

anyway, long story short, I wanted to learn Slovak, but I lived in US back then, and only had a couple of old textbooks, and no native speaker to talk to. I move back to Russia since then, and my interest has shifted, but my interest in Slovakia has remained. I also continue to support my sile about Slovak language (slovnik.org), though, I don't develop it much anymore due to the lack of free time. so, this time, since I got into postcrossing, I decided I want to collect some Slovak postcards 🙂

and yes, that's me 🙂 in a year I received cards from 27 countries, and in this year I understood that I enjoy receiving cards from different spots around the planet rather than specific theme cards. so, I started two collections: "from all countries", and "from all Slovak cities" 🙂

if you'd like to do one exchange, I can offer card from St. Petes, Sochi, Abkhazia, and I also have Russian "I heart Poscrossing" card 🙂 and I have some nice stamps, if you're interested.
04.02.2016, 11:27
04.02.2016, 11:30
We dont give any postcard to english speaking people. Fuck you, you are the worst people on Earth...
04.02.2016, 11:46
@Karola 😉

@RighteousFred, nice English...

4. 04.02.2016, 11:46

@Karola 😉

@RighteousFred, nice English...

05.02.2016, 10:13
lol :D
04.02.2016, 12:15
@milicano, awesome view! would love in on a piece of cardboard with Slovak stamp and my address 🙂 I actually have some postcards from Caucasus I can send in return.

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