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Love Game Over

tému vytvoril(a) 9.9.2009 00:36
posledná zmena 9.9.2009 19:56
09.09.2009, 00:36
The Sunlight through the window open
Has drawn your face on a distant wall
The paleness of my endless nights
Has fed my desires
Purity of incest...
Now you're made of flesh and blood
They all gotta die - your blond hair I worship
Purification, by swords, by flames
And I love you as a friend

And I know the wildest truth
Extermination - I won't fucking abjure
You are the one, the all in one
My fate's coming as this wound in your mouth
No human nor material
My hands can't reach you but they'd really love to
I met you - it was on a summer
Your picture haunted me for years and centuries

Sieghilde - it was a mortal sin
Sieghilde - please don't let me leave
Sieghilde - weapon be thy name

You're the blood of universe, the animal instinct
The primitive fire, the ravished triumphant beauty

And I pray for you as a faithful my dear
You're the sacred Emerald, the fucking Angel's smile
Without you I'm nothing but void
And with you it's so hard, so hard to live

I wish I never met you
But I was born and you grew up
I would like to tear off my eyes
For never see you again

And I love you as a friend
My hand's between your legs
And I love you as a friend
And I cum on your face
You asked me for an Holocaust
You asked me for total death
May they all die, may they all suffer
May they all pay the price for their useless days

You unchained the hatred divine
I've carried in my chest for years of pain
A judgement day for this huge existence
The final temptation for a son of God

And your breasts they burn my hands
Live in you - so be it
Last affront for this world of no belief

The Sunlight through the window open
Has drawn your face on a fuckin distant wall
The paleness of my endless nights
Has fed my desires
Purity of incest...
Now you're made of flesh and blood
They all gotta die - Fuckin bitch
Purification, by swords, by flames
And I love you as a slut

pardón, ale ozaj milujem tento text

1. 09.09.2009, 00:36

The Sunlight through the window open
Has drawn your face on a distant wall
The paleness of my endless nights
Has fed my desires
Purity of incest...
Now you're made of flesh and blood
They all gotta die - your blond hair I worship
Purification, by swords, by flames
And I love you as a friend

And I know the wildest truth
Extermination - I won't fucking abjure
You are the one, the all in one
My fate's coming as this wound in your mouth
No hum...

09.09.2009, 19:56
Škoda že si to nemôžem prečítať tak aby som tomu celému rozumela.Nie len niektorím slovám.
09.09.2009, 01:22
všetkým brum a brú
👍: ruwolf
09.09.2009, 01:32
Chlapci, chlapci, takto písať o láske? To ani netušíte, že ešte aj Krista Bendová, od ktorej poznáte určite len básničku Bola raz jedna trieda, v tej triede bola krieda ... písala o láske, ale krajšie ako vy.

Keby som ja nevedela, čo je láska,
ako ľahko, ľahko bolo by.
Bezstarostne ako modrá vážka
dotkla by sa krídlom oblohy.

Ale ona, ukrutnica, trýzni,
k zemi ťahá, tam, kde chodíš ty.
Poradí mi dáky dobrý blížny,
jak sa zbaviť chvíľok clivoty?

Neporadí. Nič mi nepomôže.
Nechcem ani. Neviem, čo to je,
že keď veľmi ľúbim, panebože,
Smutná som – i šťastná. Oboje.
09.09.2009, 01:49
inak Berenika,pekne ta po dlhom case citat 😉
09.09.2009, 07:48
markíz vie žeje to o niečom peknom .. ale preklad ?? nie všetci rozumejú -ako ja ..

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